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Warning- unpopular opinion: What happened to anthemic Max Martin material from Britney?


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So I have to be honest I'm a little bit frustrated. Till The World Ends was an *anthem,* as was Oops, BOMT, and many others. They not only showed her vocals, but landed her at the top of the charts. They were well-written by top songwriters and producers and there's a reason they performed so well on radio and on the charts. They make you want to get up and dance- and they are immaculately produced. 

Why isn't team Britney going in the direction of Ariana Grande "Into You" Ellie Goulding "On My Mind" Demi Lovato "Cool For The Summer" etc. These were all written by Max and have charted really strongly. Every time Brit works with Max- a hit comes out. Instead she's working with people who write songs like "Clumsy" and "Private Show" that don't change chords at all and have boring and drawn out structure with weak vocal production. 

Don't mean to rant! I love that Brit is doing her thing and being artsy etc and I respect these songs and their writers/producers...but I'm really curious-- why do y'all think she's moved away from the Max Martin "anthemic" direction? 







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3 minutes ago, 29nave said:

I think Femme Fatale was one of her strongest albums-- if you look at how TTWE, IWG, and HIAM performed. 

They got promoted. I mean the songs seperately. This time only Glory will be promoted and along with that songs can move up on the chart. :chershade: I love those songs and obviously they are amazing  but they weren't her "experimenting" songs. Now she's bringing different in a great way. FF is a great album but so are her others except BJ (WB is really good).

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Why do you care so much if they're hits? If they're quality songs they'll be hits, this is Britney Spears, her songs have exposure. Make Me is already rising, it's going to be a hit, it's just going to take time. This stuff is really fresh and I love it. It's going to complete the holy trinity of albums: In the zone, Blackout, and Glory :myjam:

And not everything Max Martin produces is a hit, you know he produced Rice by Caitlyn Jenner right :madonna:

If there's a producer we need, it's Danja :myjam:

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Sis,she's done SO many Max Martin songs. He's a legend,a genius,ect but Britney needs to venture off and work with different people to explore different sounds. Max Martin songs are cute and safe but we need Britney to give us fresh material produced by hungry,up and coming artists. One Max Martin song on the album as a bonus is enough.

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cuz she wanted to try something new . props to her for going out on a limb. if we had that kinda music then ppl would be complaining "omg why doesn't she stop doing full pop & experiment" "omg she has no creative control" blah blah. I for one am not really a fan of Clumsy & PS is a little silly to me BUT I can appreciate the fact that home girl is trying new things .

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11 minutes ago, PRIVATE.SHOW said:

He's become so generic that if she worked with him now, it would sound like "Cool For The Summer". He isn't the same as he was 6 years ago and Britney obviously wants to experiment more.

Exactly, I dont think his work is the same. They arent that catchy and lack quality, he used to be very versatile, able to do pop and rock but now he is just a one trick pony to me and I'm sure if he hooked up with Britney again, it would just be another song about *** and more nasal vocals.

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