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Open House Pary shading the Queen


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So if you live in the US you've probably heard of open house party. It comes on weekends on what ever your top 40 radio station is and they have celebrity guests. Last night a girl called in to request "Make Me" and the DJ goes "oh you mean that song I've been trying to avoid." He still played it but why the shade with it? I don't get why people can stan Justin's crappy "Can't Stop", but want to shade MM. I know the GP is loving it but why the shade here? 

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Which station is that? I'd make them pay so hard. :whitneyshade:

Edit: Give me the station's name, I'll spam them with Make Me requests. :HAHA:

Edit2: The reason for the shade is they think it's cool and in to hate on Britney in 2016. We live in a sad world where Taylor ******* Swift is given more importance than Britney. :zoomzoom:

Edit3: I also think DJs know they're playing with fire if they shade someone currently successful. Britney isn't as powerful as she used to be so they take jabs at her. If Taylor lost her star power, she'd get shaded left and right like Britney. 

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