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Make Me Video Appreciation thread!


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First, this a positive thread! Let's appreciate the perfection that is 2016ney.

This video is so flawfree, she looks so beautiful, fit and HAPPY (for me the most important!). It was #1 on ITunes and not only for the fans! Now her music is more mature and likeable for everybody. Everything is a 10 in this era.

I'm greatful that Britney is here, now and ALIVE...NONETHELESS...

Please put the best gifs & pics!




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I've come to appreciate it. It flows and feels natural. When it was released I was mad because I was expecting another thing, but after watching it a few times I can say that I like it. She looks beautiful and the song... the song is her best song to date in my opinion. 

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Now the videos are better just because she looks good.

I cant :rihcackle:

So Britney , you dont make videos, better you make photos or magazines. This is more cheap.

We know that she is beautiful, we want good videos, is simple.

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