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Bradley Stern on Make Me music video fiasco

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He just posted this on MuuMuse Facebook page:

" While some throw hissy fits and sign e-petitions like entitled children because of a MUSIC VIDEO, acting as if the scrapped concept was a stroke of genius and not a messy abstract fever dream of electrocuted dancers and cheetahs eating meat, I'm here gagged by the beauty and ready for 17 tracks of NEW MUSIC. (Like, did the anime video for "Break The Ice" ruin your experience of BLACKOUT?) She released an average video, not a retirement notice. Kindly get a ******* grip... ‪#‎glory‬ "


Totally agree!

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Slay :bopney:

idk, on the slip side, ever since FF, her lead videos have started out really strong and then everything that follows is basic af, so maybe the real **** is coming with the second and third single :gimmemoar:

I'm sure Britney is disappointed by how this all turned out just like us, this is her baby after all. She'll come for wigs with the next singles, I have a feeling :YESPLEASE:

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1 minute ago, daniel2001 said:

i can't imagine bradley stern liking the video because she looked "pretty"


this is how Team Britney is going to address the situation? awesome

He never said he liked it, he said that it's average.

His point was that fans shouldn't lose hope for the album or think that it's going to suck just because this one video was a disappointment.

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4 minutes ago, PRIVATE.SHOW said:

The cheetah was drinking milk though #flopfan :madonna:

And he did NOT come for iconic BTI video. You can't compare that video, which was done because she was having problems then, to this - a finished artsy-fartsy video scrapped to be replaced with a messy... thing :mariahstare:


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What's wrong with signing one petition tho :JLostare: 

And I can't at some bashing the original concept, as if most Britney videos make sense, her most iconic ones aren't realistic either, like Toxic. I'll take that "abstract fever dream" over the generic basic mess of a video we got any day.

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