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Right-wing journalist Milo Yiannopoulos sounds off on the political reasons around video switcheroo


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1 hour ago, ICouldntThinkOfOne said:

I believe that everyone should have equal opportunities, rights and standings. However, Milo's views and his opinions on issues are usually on issues that don't directly affect him. Therefore, he is putting himself above others. His views are flawed because they all stem from an organisation that does not accept him, and because he is not accepted, he does not accept others, whether they be women, people of colour, atheists or muslims so he can try and suck up to the straight, white christian fundamentalists who would shut him out if it weren't for the fact that he will do anything for attention. Even the fact that he pretends to be a happy gay man, he would still ''cure'' himself to fit in. That doesn't say happy, and it screams insecure. We could get into the fact that because he doesn't want to get married, no gay person should, but I think we have enough proof that he's a sad, little boy, acting like a happy man.

I accept everyone, but when you tell me, or anyone else for that matter, ''actually, you don't deserve the same rights as me'', then I will not stand for that.

I do not accept hatred, bigotry and lying narcissist like Milo, who know they are lying to get attention. Opinion is one thing, hate speech is another, and this guy has cleverly worded hate speech, not valid opinion.

wow, you corrected spelling. Good rebuttal.

Yes sis. :gobaby: 

I'm not sure if that member is just trolling or actually believes what he/she is saying...

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I love how I'm getting neg-rep all over the place for even posting what someone said, like...


i don't care if you think he's amazing (but....pls no) or a horrible subhuman piece of you-know-what. I just think the meltdown is...well, it's dragging hard when political journalists decide to get pissy.

but if y'all just want to listen to each other say the same things all night we can pretend the outside world doesn't exist  


I'm not him, I'm not friends with him, I have nothing to gain by posting that. I just always get interested when I see people who are NOT usually allowed to sit at our table (for whatever reason!) trying to get a seat...


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9 hours ago, cho said:

It was only a matter of time before someone said something like that! From either side!


but...maybe people didn't like the idea of her being in a room full of dudes being all grope-y on her. 


Will we ever know!? 


Not until Wikileaks - the Britney edition *crosses fingers*

I doubt we'll ever know anything. Personally, I don't care much but it's not popular here to be chill atm.

You're last line made me LOL I'm sure Snowden and Assange are on that right now ;)

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3 minutes ago, YouFoundAmy said:

I doubt we'll ever know anything. Personally, I don't care much but it's not popular here to be chill atm.

You're last line made me LOL I'm sure Snowden and Assange are on that right now ;)

if you didn't know, Assange is a pop music fan. I know he likes Lady Gaga, anyway.

YOU KNOW HE SEEN THIS MESS he can't even leave his house! He's prob got a crack team on it right now. :MJ::MJ::MJ::MJ:

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5 minutes ago, Glory(Hole) said:

EWW I can't at this self hating gay praising Britney but I kind of like it because he's such a controversial scumbag:drown:

You feel me


he says horrible things about women, atheists and gays - all communities I consider myself a part of - but when I saw that headline I was like :truthtea::truthtea::truthtea:


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5 hours ago, marioh said:

Just admit it. You think it's okay to insult other people because they have different political views. How sad. "Human garbage"... Jesus, what a horrible language. :sickofu:

You need to let it go already. Milo has said horrid things and has encouraged his human ******** of a following to bully and berate others. If you're so outraged about the "human garbage" comment,then why bother defending someone as vile as Milo who has surely said much worse? He is a gay man who hates himself and makes a living out of saying outrageously offensive ****. Give me a break.:MJ:

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5 minutes ago, cho said:

You feel me


he says horrible things about women, atheists and gays - all communities I consider myself a part of - but when I saw that headline I was like :truthtea::truthtea::truthtea:


Gurl don't get me started on him. But the fact that he's sticking up for the Queen is okay in my book (even though he's using her to drive his tired narrative)

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1 minute ago, Glory(Hole) said:

You need to let it go already. Milo has said horrid things and has encouraged his human ******** of a following to bully and berate others. If you're so outraged about the "human garbage" comment,then why bother defending someone as vile as Milo who has surely said much worse? He is a gay man who hates himself and makes a living out of saying outrageously offensive ****. Give me a break.:MJ:

I was interested in his weird life until I heard him say that atheists were idiots and that he would take a pill to un-gay himself like...ugh you are not as proud as you pretend to be

it's sad because the right could benefit strongly from more proud, gay, outspoken members in order to change the party to a platform that's more compatible with the social climate of 2016. 

He sucks but I vehemently suspect my BF might secretly have a crush on him so I don't know y'all may get your wish I may end up having to make this man very upset if he impede on my life personally :cigney:

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7 minutes ago, cho said:

I was interested in his weird life until I heard him say that atheists were idiots and that he would take a pill to un-gay himself like...ugh you are not as proud as you pretend to be

it's sad because the right could benefit strongly from more proud, gay, outspoken members in order to change the party to a platform that's more compatible with the social climate of 2016. 

He sucks but I vehemently suspect my BF might secretly have a crush on him so I don't know y'all may get your wish I may end up having to make this man very upset if he impede on my life personally :cigney:

He loves to go around limping his hand,dying his ridiculous hair and advertising his gayness because that's part of his brand but then he has the nerve to say he'd take a pill to cure himself of it.

That he'd be better off if he was straight. Mind you he's successful,decent looking,ect but he'd be "better off" somehow.

Destructive message to send to gays,esp coming from a gay man. I'm an atheist myself btw:truthtea:

and MESS at your BF wanting Milo. That needs to be corrected :xcuseme:

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5 hours ago, marioh said:

Just admit it. You think it's okay to insult other people because they have different political views. How sad. "Human garbage"... Jesus, what a horrible language. :sickofu:

I think you're the one triggered by other people having different views. If someone thinks Milo is "Human Garbage", isn't that their opinion and their right to feel that way? :juggingu:

Face it, you are reaching hard to find reasons to attack people for simply disliking your precious Milo :whitneyshade:

Btw, I see you echoing Milo and his victim mentality 

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13 minutes ago, Glory(Hole) said:

He loves to go around limping his hand,dying his ridiculous hair and advertising his gayness because that's part of his brand but then he has the nerve to say he'd take a pill to cure himself of it.

That he'd be better off if he was straight. Mind you he's successful,decent looking,ect but he'd be "better off" somehow.

Destructive message to send to gays,esp coming from a gay man. I'm an atheist myself btw:truthtea:

and MESS at your BF wanting Milo. That needs to be corrected :xcuseme:

Yes I agree with everything you said

also my BF is straight so I am prob just like weirdly shipping it in my nightmares but if Milo ended up in his DMs....I would not be as shocked as I should be lol

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7 minutes ago, cho said:

Hahahaa I thought I did IM SORRY IM SORRY I usually up vote posts I like I must've been laughing so hard I lost the control to do so :hype:

i'm sorry to keep the make me video controversy :orly: but when i saw that gif --->:hype: i thought "at least SOMETHING ANYTHING good came out of that video" :huh:

then it came to me that it's from Jimmy Kimmel :selenerz:


FML :(:crying1::wontcry:

PS: you are forgiven and plz PM boyfriend noodles :madonna:.

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7 minutes ago, F3rzz said:

i'm sorry to keep the make me video controversy :orly: but when i saw that gif --->:hype: i thought "at least SOMETHING ANYTHING good came out of that video" :huh:

then it came to me that it's from Jimmy Kimmel :selenerz:


FML :(:crying1::wontcry:

PS: you are forgiven and plz PM boyfriend noodles :madonna:.

Why do emotes make everything so good I'm crying lol

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