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My Opinion About Britney


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Britney keep playing the game too safe now and I dont think that is a good move for her career. Most of us fans love Britney because she's not a typical pop star yet now all her moves and choices are worst than Ariana and Selena. Seeing Britney in a public, when she dress like a cool soccer ordinary mum with a zero ***** to give but she's too worried about her sultry image in a music industry, it makes me weird.

MM video is cute but that's it. It doesn't have any impact, no momentum whatsoever to keep public to talk about it, even me as one of her big fan just watched it once today, not as much as her first single released back then. Even pretty girls imo had a better concept than Make Me. The Mm video screams rushed and last minute job. No storyline to match with the song. Some shots reminds me of the Criminal's popular hand choreography and the only best part of it is just Britney looks pretty and hot. The product placement was annoying. Some gays I know love the video just because there's the hot guys in it.

I hope they will surprise release the original video because the Cageney in red is just too iconic too ignore and forget. But knowing her team and Britney, I guess this is the only official video we got for Make Me and we have to deal with this for the rest of our life. 

I'm afraid she will lose half of this sinking fanbase just because she used to be wild and free, now she's just a regular pop star who play safe in whatever she do now just because she's a mum. How I wish she's as wild as Madonner. 

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