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Listen All of You Ungrateful C*nts!


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It's really just laughable at this point because of how overdramatic and just how ******* stupid so many of you c*nts are acting just because you all couldn't get your perfect little ways!

You people are actually ******* not fans but actually vile, good for nothing, whiny, self centered, pr*cks! You people should be ******* ashamed of yourselves for being so disgusting just because you didn't get the video you wanted!

Not everything is perfect in life but it looks like many of you are too childish to realize that and need a major ******* reality check if you think everything is fit out to be perfect!


There I said my piece against all of the hateful c*nts on here! End of Rant!

I also don't give one single **** how many of you idiots down vote me because I am just done with so many of you!

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Just now, whatareyouwaitingfor? said:

Y'all are having a complete meltdown over a Music video...


And yet they call themselves fans but yet all they're doing today is basically trashing over Britney and talking about her as if she was worthless which just isn't right. I'm kinda surprised I haven't made a thread speaking up about this issue until now really as her fans being like this has bothered me for quite a long time tbh:zoomzoom:

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