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Confirmation that it'll be Apple Music Exclusive?


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Wow have you seen the comments on that site?

A lot of people are genuinely surprised that she's still around, people put 'queen of plastic', 'can't sing', and that it's a loss for apple music.


I hope she absolutely slays with this album to prove people wrong.

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6 hours ago, DirtyMind said:

It's a little worrying that it won't be on Spotify, but as long as Apple promotes the hell out of her during their exclusivity, she'll be fine.

but Private Show is already on Spotify... i guess it will be just an Apple Music exclusive in terms of the album order. singles and stuff are 'free' to other stream services.

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1 minute ago, Erreur 2 La Nature said:

Nobody has heard of Britney since S&S, and that's not a shade or a joke. The gp doesn't check for her and don't know about BJ. So for them it's like she has disappeared for around 4 years or more. It's such a long time, especially here in Europe, she can't sell and be remembered without coming and promoting hard

Yeh you're right.

I live in Spain but i'm from the UK and most people I speak to act like 'Britney Spears'? Seriously? Is she still around? In a way i'm glad because they won't have seen the mess that was Brenda Jackson or Ugly girls.

It's time for her to come back strong and hard. She needs a huge era and a huge hit. I hope the music video helps and she performs, promotes and has a lot of success. I think if she wants it, she'll get it, it just depends on her.

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