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Here's something I don't understand about Prerecorded Vocals


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First and foremost, the vocals, or more specifically lack-thereof. We have all long since accepted that Britney Spears does not sing live and frankly, her performance has regained a finesse which makes that an easy sacrifice to swallow for the sake of maintaining her confidence and comfort. However, the act of lipsyncing is essentially an act of illusion - we, as an audience, are being asked to suspend our disbelief and buy into the myth that she might be singing live. That is incredibly difficult when we are still listening to vocal parts recorded in 1998. Pre-recording the entire performance would admittedly not be a small job, but the show we saw last night has, for all intents and purposes, now been running for three years, and as such a week in the studio feels like a small price to pay for a touch that would undoubtedly make the performance feel infinitely more polished.



BUT the fact is ... you're asking her to fool you MORE.

You act so indignant about lip-synching, like it is the death of art.

You take away points for any artistic venture she makes simply because its not live vocals to be petty.

You claim people like Demi Lovato and Katy Perry are more talented because they sing live even though they sound like dogshit everytime they open their mouths ... but if opening your mouth and singing live earns you bonus points when you sound like crap, then every drunken slob in a karaoke bar should be up there singing instead of Katy and Demi.

But then you, the GP, the haters, the media, the public, turn around & say she should pre-record her vocals. Why? What's the difference between 1998 prerecorded vocals and 2016 prerecorded vocals? Nothing. They BOTH serve the same purpose. The only difference is when you ask Britney to prerecord 2016 vocals, you are asking her to actively fool you MORE. Suddenly, it's not about the death of art, it's about "Oh we don't mind you playing a dirty trick and creating an illusion, just do it MORE so I can't tell."


It's ok if you fool us, it's ok if you cheat on live singing, just do it MORE so that we can't tell the difference. Fake it until you have such a sterling reputation that it no longer matters when you get exposed in public for lipping all along, like Beyonce did at Obama's inauguration.


Fake it like Celine Dion until you become so well-known for your voice, the public will actively pretend you are not lip-synching.



Like, are you people able to comprehend just how STUPID it is to say an artist should have better lip-syncing tools? It's seriously the dumbest thing I have ever read in my entire life. If anything, Britney is the only respectable one out there because she's not trying to rob you blind by putting up false pretenses like Beyonce & Celine. She lip-synchs. Either deal with it or get the hell out. Don't tell her to perfect her lip-synching until you can't tell the ******* difference. That is just complete insanity.

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