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I'm Pressed About... Top 10 (Britney Related)


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1. The fact that she's finally doing promo performances but the costumes and choreography suck balls.

2. People who HATE Britney. Not just simply don't like her music or performances but seem to actually hate her as a person and say horrible things. How could anyone? I can see complaining about her work but shes such a good person how can people be so hateful? If you don't like her material just give constructive criticism or ignore it and go pay attention to something you do like.

3. Make Me video.


That's all I really have.

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1 VMAs ******* Britney AGAIN

2. Larrys promo plan being from 2000 for Britney but still giving 5th harmony good enough promo to slay the singles charts.

3 Larry not arranging or atleast reusing prerecorded vox

4. Larry never letting her have creative control

5 Larry or Karen or whoever not putting moodring on the standard.

6 Larry/Karen/Britney for making make me the lead single and not moodring 

7 Britney/team B for scrapping original mm video

8 not having Britney watch any CK videos before she did the promo. 

9 Britney/Charm for changing the make me choreo

10 myself and the 200,000 other people who illegally downloaded glory (although I bought 4 copies and stream 24/7) 

11(bonus) Barbara and fgl for blocking Britney, mostly Barbara for giving her album away at her shows to boost sales. 

12 (future pressed prediction) Britney and her child for chosing DYWCO as the second single :quirkney:

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