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Do You Believe in Law of Attraction? (Talking about Britney inside!)!


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Okay I'm asking  this as the title because I want to discuss how this relates to Britney. (No this isn't a misleading topic--this is supposed to be about Britney). I'm a little bored of all the "what should the next single be!" topics so I thought this might be interesting to talk about.

For you guys who don't know what the law of attraction (the Secret basically) it's the belief that your thoughts and feelings attract/manifest the physical world around you. For instance, if you spend the majority of time on positive optimistic thoughts/feelings, even in stressful situations you attract vibrationally similar situations or outcomes.

Anyway I recently saw a few people mentioning the secret here so I kind of wanted to discuss something that has been on my mind since before I ever knew about the law of attraction. 

A lot of exhalers think it's spooky or weird that Britney had more or less predicted her 2007 falling before it even happened in songs like Rebellion and what not but what if she was just attracting those things to her all along? It would make a little bit of sense, at least to me. (Hear me out, I know this is a really sensitive topic but this thread really isn't about her breakdown)!  I mean, obviously after she broke up with Justin she went through a hard period and we all know the history of what transpired but I noticed since the beginning of her career Britney has chosen songs on her albums with the word crazy in it. It's in so many of her songs.

You Drive Me Crazy
They say I'm crazy, I really don't care...
Etc --Like there's a lot, I just don't have time ...well actually I do have the time, but damn I am too lazy, to go through all the songs and find the word crazy in but I always notice it!

Aside from mentally being in a bad place and having all of these bad things happen to her, she has had the GP thinking she's crazy all these years and has had a real struggle in the industry because of it. Just look at everything that has gone down this era.

Not only does she still choose songs with affirmations about how she's crazy even after the fact that 2007 happened, but she seems to own it, which is completely fine even though I don't think it's the best thing for her since thoughts , especially repeated thoughts, attract things--like how people view her or how her place in the industry has been crumbling apart for years and years.

But I was wondering how Beyonce has brainwashed basically the whole world into thinking she's the second coming of Jesus even though she's not as iconic as Britney ever was in many senses. But she is sitting there singing about how she's the queen and how she slays constantly. This is LOA is it not? She is singing with a lot of energy and belief in herself and everyone else is sucking it right up, but Britney  (at least in the studio) is giving a lot of energy in singing these songs where she keeps affirming she's crazy or single and doesn't need men (aka the state of her life with guys). I sometimes wish she'd stop saying she was crazy or reminding people that they think she's insane since 2007. Because she's never been "crazy".

I know I was a little all over the place with my post, I'm sorry guys. I have a hard time writing my thoughts down about this but does anyone else believe that this may be hindering her? Or help explain things in some way? A lot of us wish Britney was half as praised and beloved as Beyonce is but in my opinion Beyonce attracts it all consciously to herself. Where as Britney probably has never heard of the LOA. I know at least Jay Z has spoken about it, there's videos on youtube where he's talked about LOA and if he is aware of it I am sure Beyonce is too.

Interestingly enough on another semi related thought.. last year on some random Indian website that I had stumbled on by sheer accident, I had read an article with an interview that Britney said she was starting to practice meditation and how it helped her a lot with anxiety. This was RIGHT before she started doing waaaaaay better with her energy and passion she exhibited at POM. A lot of people use meditation to help them manifest things easier in their lives because it helps to quiet all the negative chatter in their minds. I wonder if this is what has been helping her with basically the state of her life.

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I believe in it all. I literally changed my life and made so many positive changes through thinking positively and being aware of how my thoughts shape who I am and how the world reacts to me tbh. It's not some new age mumbo jumbo either, this **** is absolutely real. 

And your post wasn't all over the place, I followed it easily and agree with everything you said :rihclap:

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