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Britney did this to herself


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All those years of Half assing not promoting and living off of her name. Now that she's slaying, but still not as hard *** before the world just don't gaf. they are over waiting on old Britney and she had no room for  **** ups this era and SHE hasn't. but her team has screwed things up...Britney proved she can dance thank GOODNESS she wasn't stiff after following beyonce. So no one is coming for her dancing, but she needs to show ppl she can SLAY. if she was gonna perform make me...singing live would have been enough to be a shocking moment and she could have been cheap af and just sat still and sang, but not Britney. she and her team chose cheap and lip sync 

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I've said this in other threads - do SNL and sing Make Me + Man On The Moon + Just Luv Me live, keep the instrumentals and pre-recorded background vocals to a bare minimum. No one will care ever again if she lipsynchs and dances.


Or she can show up at the Grammys, do What You Need + Private Show and work that stage presence (even without a lot of dancing) and slay everyone's careers. I'm dreaming, but yknow, a girl can dream. 

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3 minutes ago, laurelhenessy said:

I've said this in other threads - do SNL and sing Make Me + Man On The Moon + Just Luv Me live, keep the instrumentals and pre-recorded background vocals to a bare minimum. No one will care ever again if she lipsynchs and dances.


Or she can show up at the Grammys, do What You Need + Private Show and work that stage presence (even without a lot of dancing) and slay everyone's careers. I'm dreaming, but yknow, a girl can dream. 

That would resurrect so much respect for her like it did for rih at bbmas she finally had a memorable performance...no one is here for lipping and doing basic *** moves 

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Look I honestly did not expect Glory to do as well as it did after BJ and PG because so many fans jumped ship...but it did! The GP do care. Britney is a "guilty pleasure" for most of them. They'll say **** about her publicly but secretly go and bop to her music and buy her albums behind closed doors. My sister is one such person, totally caught her streaming Glory the other day! Imagine how much better she would do with a better creative force behind her and a few less lip-synced performances!

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