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Oh my God, Liar needs to have a western inspired music video

Dirty Boy

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Imagine it, the song starts and we see Britney on Radar horse dressed like a full legit cowboy. She's on a cliff and lookin down at a little western town.
She takes a look at her gold and notices she's running out of it. Then she looks on her right and sees "wanted dead or alive" poster of Scott Eastwood. (Yeah Scott Eastwood will be in her music video cuz he's hot and he's ****** Clint Eastwood's son, idc)
She rides to the town and tries to find him.
First she stops in the nearest pub to ask about his whereabouts and notices a lot of guys playing poker.
They all look at her dismissively cuz she's a woman. Next scene, you see all the guys that were playing naked cuz they lost everything to Britney.
Then she forces one of the guys to tell her where Scott is if he wants his stuff back. He tells her he's planning to rob a train tomorrow.
Then it cuts to him and we see him and his gang attacking train. He gets inside and all the people are on the floor because they're scared.
Then he comes to one blond woman and tells her that he always had a thing for blonds. She says "I know.", turns around and we see it's Britney (implying that he's her ex.)
She kicks his *** but he still manages to run away.
It's night and Britney is practicing her shooting. She notices her horse is gone. From the shadows comes Scott and tells her he missed her. She tells him she still loves him.
They hook up.
In the morning he wakes up handcuffed in the bed with sheriff and police around him.
Britney is again on that cliff from beginning, looking at her pouch full of gold. She opens some kind of list and crosses his name and rides off.

Sorry guys I'm bored :sofedup:

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Oh my goodness, I was thinking the same thing as well!  I think a dance breakdown would be awesome during the "whoa oh" parts in the chorus (how awesome would that look in cowboy boots!) but my vision for it was also Britney throwing darts at a photo of a guy (who is the "liar") in a western bar/saloon type of place and throughout the video the camera zooms in on different parts of the guy's face giving the illusion that it "could" be Justin (maybe have one shot of a blue eye, another of his curly hair/close cropped shaved head) but never showing the whole face so it could be interpreted that way; it might be him, it might not be.   Because you know that's what/who people think the song is about and people would freakin' eat that controversy up ;)

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Slé a bit sis :bootyney:

i was actually on the same page. In my head, it was more of a western/jailhouse situation. Like the video would open on Britney working in a field with other prisoners (yes, she's a prisoner) but then she escapes to find her "liar" ex and kill him. 

essentially a western toxic :carpoolney:

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