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Let's discuss fan entitlement.


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I think some of the comments I have read on this forum in regards to what has happened have been disgusting. I find it saddening at people throwing their toys out of the pram because they didn't get what they want. 

The situation is very clear. There was a serious disconnect with the vision they saw and the product LaChappelle gave them. For instance, the G Eazy scene is down right disgusting. That scene looks like a creepy white boy is forcing himself on Britney. Which is an absolute disservice to Gerard as he's an attractive man. But you expect Britney and G Eazy to release a video neither are happy with? Because they posted a few pictures on Instagram about it? "But they spent 3 days filming it they should have known!,1!!," well sometimes things look amazing on a storyboard and don't feel bad filming it but when the things get sewn together it's ****. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

The reality is both videos are crap. Make Me 1 is boring and has some serious unnecessary scenes and I think we can all understand why Britney didn't want some of it in there. Make Me 2 is cute, it's nice, Britney looks absolutely stunning but it's a complete non event. Nothing happens. It's good when there's a BMW and when she's grinding on a stud. 

I completely understand being disheartened that the video is what you expected, but the sense of fan entitlement is ******* horrible. I think it's quite clear that after shooting the LaChapelle video she didn't want it as not long after she filmed a new one when David was still working on it. If the rabid fans hadnt leaked the song and the video would you be as arsed? I'm glad the video leaked because it's interested to see what was happening but the only good scenes are the cage and some of the warehouse scenes. 

I think you all just need to take a step back and re-evaluate the **** you're saying because it's making some of you look like whiny little teenagers. Britney clearly got over her having to shoot a different video, and I think it's about too we all did too. 


You have a right to be disappointed, you don't have to like the video. But I'm sick of seeing personal attacks on Britney when the issue is really being blown out of proportion. Some of you are being downright disgusting and I think it's a shame that you're happily portraying yourself as one of the most immature fan bases. Don't like it? Cool avoid it. You don't need to personally attack the person we are supposed to idolise. 



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47 minutes ago, NotAPassenger said:

The he situtaion is very clear. There was a serious disconnect with the vision they saw and the product LaChappelle gave them. For instance, the G Eazy scene is down right disgusting. That scene looks like a creepy white boy is forcing himself on Britney. Which is an absolute disservice to Gerard as he's an attractive man.

you hire LaChapelle to give people controversy and this would be everywhere - the controversy and promo she needs. they shouldn't bother him if they wanted something safe again. :cigney:

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2 minutes ago, gimmegimme3 said:

so brit and her team did not review the script and concept of the video before they shot it? :madonna:

I don't know why people are finding this hard to grasp. Things look good on paper. They even feel fun in the moment. But if the final product isn't up to par it's not going to be released. David did a **** job, Britney wanted some changes, he wouldn't do it. It's not hard to grasp. 


9 posts you have better not be a troll.

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It's messy AF and this is all britney and her teams fault. The video we got could've been a lot better had they shot down the story when they met with LaChapelle and gotten a different director. They would've had more time, and wouldn't have wasted money on a video they didn't use.

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- Britney shot the video with David

- Britney didn't like it but David did

- David refused to edit the G-Eazy *** scene out

- Britney knew she couldn't release a video with a *** scene that looks like **** IMO!

- so she reshot the video because David refused to edit anything out of the video


CASE CLOSED! Don't get angry at Britney, she probably wanted the original video without the *** scene but David refused to edit it, that's why she needed to reshoot it!

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54 minutes ago, NotAPassenger said:

I think some of the comments I have read on this forum in regards to what has happened have been disgusting. I find it saddening at people throwing their toys out of the pram because they didn't get what they want. 

The he situtaion is very clear. There was a serious disconnect with the vision they saw and the product LaChappelle gave them. For instance, the G Eazy scene is down right disgusting. That scene looks like a creepy white boy is forcing himself on Britney. Which is an absolute disservice to Gerard as he's an attractive man. But you expect Britney and G Eazy to release a video neither are happy with? Because they posted a few pictures on Instagram about it? "But they spent 3 days filming it they should have known!,1!!," well sometimes things look amazing on a storyboard and don't feel bad filming it but when the things get sewn together it's ****. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

The reality is both videos are crap. Make Me 1 is boring and has some serious unnecessary scenes and I think we can all understand why Britney didn't want some of it in there. Make Me 2 is cute, it's nice, Britney looks absolutely stunning but it's a complete non event. Nothing happens. It's good when there's a BMW and when she's grinding on a stud. 

I completely understand being disheartened that the video is what you expected, but the sense of fan entitlement is ******* horrible. I think it's quite clear that after shooting the LaChapelle video she didn't want it as not long after she filmed a new one when David was still working on it. If the rabid fans hadnt leaked the song and the video would you be as arsed? I'm glad the video leaked because it's interested to see what was happening but the only good scenes are the cage and some of the warehouse scenes. 

I think you all just need to take a step back and re-evaluate the **** you're saying because it's making some of you look like whiny little teenagers. Britney clearly got over her having to shoot a different video, and I think it's about too we all did too. 


You our have a right to be disappointed, you don't have to like the video. But I'm sick of seeing personal attacks on Britney when the issue is really being blown out of proportion. Some of you are being downright disgusting and I think it's a shame that you're happily portraying yourself as one of the most immature fan bases. Don't like it? Cool avoid it. You don't need to personally attack the person we are supposed to idolise. 



Btw thank you for this thread :kisses2all:

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6 minutes ago, Ricki Lake said:

They knew exactly what they were getting with LaChapelle. She has worked with him before.


Watch this and legitimately tell me that you would choose this director for the kid friendly music video you have in mind. You think they were blindsided by how racy and provocative it was? The music video is story boarded and planned out ahead of time. Give me a break.

tumblr_my7tnsnCW51qagxv6o1_500.jpg tumblr_njbrvivwfZ1u6s61ao1_500.png00151_BS_Rolling_Stone1999_04_122_494lo.328584c27d7337e7991caf156b90ad98.jpg

Okay but it was at her 17 / 90's...now it's a different age....

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4 minutes ago, DancingWithFemmeFatalr said:

- Britney shot the video with David

- Britney didn't like it but David did

- David refused to edit the G-Eazy *** scene out

- Britney knew she couldn't release a video with a *** scene that looks like **** IMO!

- so she reshot the video because David refused to edit anything out of the video


CASE CLOSED! Don't get angry at Britney, she probably wanted the original video without the *** scene but David refused to edit it, that's why she needed to reshoot it!

how did you know this?

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We buy and pay her stuff so we have the right to critisize it. If there were scenes in the original that she didnt like they could have taken those out. they had enough time.

She learned the choreo before they shot it - she was ok with it

She saw the costumes before - she was ok with them

she saw the script before - and was ok with that

she is making out with a guy and strutting around half naked - but the old one was too ****

she said it didnt make any sense - she read the script before + WB doesnt make any sense either


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Sorry but the original video remains better, even tho we saw like 2 min of it and it didn't make sense because some parts are cut, I can say it looks a lot better.

2 minutes ago, USlayedMe said:

Okay but it was at her 17 / 90's...now it's a different age....

Maybe but they knew his style before they hired him, they knew they were going to get a provocative video, the read the script, they approved it, they payed the project.

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1 minute ago, Ricki Lake said:

The original video was fine. It looks great. She's actually dancing in it and the visuals are colorful and done well.


Of course people will think it's trashy and over the top. THAT'S THE POINT. 

Yes, that part in a cage is FU€KING amazing cut with the part of the song :shake:

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I've been Britney stan since Pretty Girls were released and when I first met other Britney stans I was... shocked. I feel like Britney Army has always been like that, I might be wrong but I think we are one of the most disrespectful and rude fanbases. We are never happy, we hate Britney no matter what she does and it's kinda sad because we should be supporting her and not bringing her down. I don't like the music video for Make Me, I'd like them to relase the original one but seeing all these "Britney fans" canceling their pre-orders, boycotting the album is just... :madonna:
We need to chill out, if it was Britney's decision to scrap the original music video then fine because it's HER music video after all. I'm disappointed as well but come on, you are Britney stan or you're not, what are you even doing here if you're ready to leave her everytime she does something that you don't like. 


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I truly am disappointed because I streamed, requested, bought all kind of ***** she put out there. As a fan I have the right the express my opinion. This is ******* bullshit. Her team even dared to use a screenshot from the MV for the album cover. What the ****. I personally hope Make Me would flop. I'm done supporting the song on any platform. I love Britney and still looking forward to Glory. I'm not cancelling my pre-orders because of this mess, but I'm truly done with Make Me.

And I truly apologized those insiders in here who reported about the scrapped video but nobody believed you guys (including me). What a shame!

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1 minute ago, Acai Berry said:

I've been Britney stan since Pretty Girls were released and when I first met other Britney stans I was... shocked. I feel like Britney Army has always been like that

I'm a stan since 1999 and I can tell you it wasn't always like that. it all began in 2007, I was on diffrent Britney Forum then and trust me, her breakdown divided the fans and made us really cynical and aggressive 

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4 minutes ago, Acai Berry said:

I've been Britney stan since Pretty Girls were released and when I first met other Britney stans I was... shocked. I feel like Britney Army has always been like that, I might be wrong but I think we are one of the most disrespectful and rude fanbases. We are never happy, we hate Britney no matter what she does and it's kinda sad because we should be supporting her and not bringing her down. I don't like the music video for Make Me, I'd like them to relase the original one but seeing all these "Britney fans" canceling their pre-orders, boycotting the album is just... :madonna:
We need to chill out, if it was Britney's decision to scrap the original music video then fine because it's HER music video after all. I'm disappointed as well but come on, you are Britney stan or you're not, what are you even doing here if you're ready to leave her everytime she does something that you don't like. 


Really?? :dontlike:

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I thought all this video drama will be over in the morning but nope I guess this will drag on for while until Britney does something acceptable and iconic to some fans. The problem is she's busy enjoying her time in Hawaii with the boys. 

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