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Is Britney Spears "Dumb as a Fox"???!!!

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Britney Spears / Goldie Hawn???

Edit: I don't see Britney Spears being "dumb as a fox" as an insult. I associate a fox with traits such as intelligence and physical beauty, of which Britney has plenty.

When Goldie was labeled dumb as a fox it was after she produced Private Benjamin, which became a box office success, earning $70M in 1980 on a $9M budget. 

Goldie: "I didn't look at my career as climbing the ladder...I'm not that person that has that kind of ambition and what is me to prove to anybody else"

 "...my agent got me on the cover of Newsweek and on it said 'dumb as fox' and what that was a double edged sword, because suddenly this person that was perceived one way is now suddenly producing...and that was a very cool thing, but then directors so forth really felt like I wanted to do my own thing; I ran my own show; everything had to be the way I wanted it to be; And that's where we get into the glass ceiling, how people treat you, how people look at you...

It wasn't easy for girls to say I can and there's a lot of adjustments and machinations to make when you do you have an idea. Because when you do have an idea... it's like listen I have an idea. Why don't we do this... No, it used to have to be 'hey you know what? I just had an idea.' ...but back then even Herb Ross, who my mother knew as a little boy, I asked him to do Protocol to direct it and he went back to the studio and said 'Yeah, but does she have to run everything?'"




My question was more: Could parallels be drawn between what happened to Goldie after producing Private Benjamin in terms of perception changing and Britney Spears? After  Britney finally started coming into her own and trying to take control of her success i.e. shedding her naiveté, which threatened many people in the machine that made a tremendous amount of money off of her, is it possible that the people who worked for and with her as well as the world started to dislike her a little more?

I saw her shaving her head as a moment of taking back her power. People viewed it as mental illness. I'm not a healthcare professional nor am I claiming to be, but if the media had put a different title (spin) on that moment, would the world have had a different perception of her? Would the c-ship have even happened? 

Britney never hid her ambition. Perhaps she has learned that lesson? 

Edited by theodoritasenorita
clarification and full disclosure
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We are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with.  For the past 20 years, Britney has spent the most time with her father, Larry, Loucifera, and Robin Greenhill, all of whom are illiterate.  She was stripped of her opportunity for a better environment and maturity.

According to Sam Lutfi's emails and texts with Jive, Britney became curious about her credit card bills and other finances and requested an audit because she wasn't a big spender.  A part of me believes she was getting ready to cut out her family, then this c-ship happened.

I think that c-ship set her back nearly 20+ years and that she's worse off now than in 2007-2008.  I don't think she sees reality and I wish she would get herself into a meditation class.  Because of who she is, she cannot trust anyone and that seems to go against her personality, which is naive and trusting.  Now, she's surrounding herself with loser Paul and his family and has been lying up a storm about the relationship.  

I'd like to see her become an adult.  I'd like to see her feel better and do better.

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I don't think she was ever dumb however she's very messed up and traumatized from the past 20 years

and I think it did a number on her mental health/state.

There's a difference between making dumb decisions and actually being dumb

and I don't think Britney is dumb at all, she's just made dumb decisions but that's part of being human.

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I think she is dumb as a box of rocks. I mean after all, we heard from numerous legal experts who opined that nobody gets out of a conservatorship, let alone someone in Britney's position, who probably should not have been in one to begin with. She must have been so dumb to go against the advice that her court-appointed attorney, who was supposed to be acting in her best interests, gave her so that he could continue to ride the money train like all the other grifters who fed her to the lions while acting like they cared about her.

And what a dummy to realize her lawyer, who should have been a trusted confidante yet was getting paid for telling her whatever it took to keep her under the thumb of her abusive father and his despicable cronies, actually was hoodwinking her and not discussing all of her options with her. I mean it takes a really dumb person to prepare a 25-minute long statement, not shared with her attorney, and present it to the court while the whole world was watching. And she proved all of the experts who said she would never get out of the cship wrong, and freed herself from a prison that was approved by the state of California and accepted by the general public as something that was best for her. What a dum-dum!

Britney Spears Shut Up GIF

Edited by britneyluv
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1 hour ago, Princessmimi said:

I don't think she was ever dumb however she's very messed up and traumatized from the past 20 years

and I think it did a number on her mental health/state.

There's a difference between making dumb decisions and actually being dumb

and I don't think Britney is dumb at all, she's just made dumb decisions but that's part of being human.

Thing is, other famous people make ever dumber decision and make truly worrisome ones and nobody deems them mentally incompetent but when Britney does something small everyone goes insane lol 

That has happened since day one lol 

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3 minutes ago, peacht said:

Thing is, other famous people make ever dumber decision and make truly worrisome ones and nobody deems them mentally incompetent but when Britney does something small everyone goes insane lol 

That has happened since day one lol 


Britney has always been the exception for some reason.

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