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The Rise and Fall of Britney Spears Cosmetics

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I found this YouTube video and thought it’d be a great discussion about Britney’s cosmetic empire, where the money went, and how much she actually was involved with the brand, and why there’s nothing to little information of if Britney’s still has a say on these perfume bottles or not... :jordan-perfume:

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While it's nothing new, I found it interesting that Britney’s perfume line became a "heritage" brand, which is unusual for celebrity products. I'm curious if there's any information on this. Given how well these perfumes sold, she should’ve been a billionaire, depending on the contracts she signed, of course.

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It's sad that Britney lost out on so much money previously in her career. I still hope she gets it back.

In the mean time, I wish she would be even more successful now that she's free. As a fan I want to see her adored by the public again and even more rich and successful. I hope she one day has healed a bit and decides to get her revenge by working very hard for a few years and go out with a bang. She could really improve her image with a little effort and rake in some serious money without having people steal it this time.

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3 hours ago, Style. said:

I found this YouTube video and thought it’d be a great discussion about Britney’s cosmetic empire, where the money went, and how much she actually was involved with the brand, and why there’s nothing to little information of if Britney’s still has a say on these perfume bottles or not... :jordan-perfume:

Between 2008-2021 there was no word from her side :nochillbrit_britney_impatient_2008_annoyed_irritated_nope_smh_head_shaking_my_ftr_for_the_record_circus:

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3 hours ago, Style. said:

Given how well these perfumes sold, she should’ve been a billionaire, depending on the contracts she signed, of course.

I just know Lou T and the c-ship has something to do with all the missing money...

or we're being delulu and britney spent it all, but that's :eheeek_britney_unsure_ew_gross_um_awkward_embarrassed_cringe:

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It’s sad because she was genuinely so passionate about Curious and Fantasy. I don’t know how involved she was with Believe since it was during the Blackout rollout and it’s hard to tell since she wasn’t really promoting anything heavily (album included) at the time. 

But everything during the con seemed very.. evident they only let her involvement be the commercials. And even then I doubt she was allowed much say in how they went.

And now the brand might as well just be Fantasy and its endless spin offs and recycled photoshopped promos… 

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1 hour ago, Dublingin said:

It’s sad because she was genuinely so passionate about Curious and Fantasy. I don’t know how involved she was with Believe since it was during the Blackout rollout and it’s hard to tell since she wasn’t really promoting anything heavily (album included) at the time. 

But everything during the con seemed very.. evident they only let her involvement be the commercials. And even then I doubt she was allowed much say in how they went.

And now the brand might as well just be Fantasy and its endless spin offs and recycled photoshopped promos… 


She was just promoting something she had to lol, she promoted lightly her fragrances and did commercials but thats it

While they are good af and I buy them religiously (I buy intimate fantasy a lot, its my everyday fragrance since they f ucked up the formulation in late 2020) Its not like she really cares, I highly doubt she wears them or is actively involved in the development and creation or even choosing what she wants to put out 


Edited by peacht
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