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Britney responds to medical emergency report and photos: "paramedics showed up at my door illegally"

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Just now, ObsessedBritFan1 said:

Yeah, she's a hot mess and surrounded in chaos energy. I hope she finds serentiy in the simple pleasures of life. One hopes at her age at least, assuming it isn't mental health related. 

Well I don’t think she’s a hot mess, she just needs good influence around her and people that love her beyond being linked to Britney Spears.

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6 hours ago, Fay1981 said:

She is a mess.

I like her but I can totally understand why her kids want nothing to do with her. 

You don’t like her. Why would you say something so cruel about someone you liked? Just be honest and say you can’t stand her instead of calling her a mess that her kids want nothing to do with because she twists her ankle. 

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5 hours ago, (You Drive Chris) Crazy said:

What she means obviously is that she didn’t call 911 for help after twisting her ankle, they shocked her when they showed up without HER asking. It was a set up, clearly. 

An innocent person probably called her. Because let's be honest, she needs medical care and attention. And not just for her foot. People are genuinely worried. 🌹 

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8 hours ago, KatieKat said:

Wish her sons would step up. She needs love and support 

I think they gave up on her. I mean even if Sean who is 18 and if he can put her into facility for involuntarily treatment people will call him out what he is doing it for money. And they still very young to understand complexity of mental health and btw if Britney has smth it is a chance one of her kids can have it too. So it is really tricky. After being put under cship by her family Britney clearly won't let any of them to help bc she is scared to be put in it again. She really trusts nobody but keeps putting herself in bad situations with people like lufti and soliz. It is sad.. 

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23 minutes ago, Loosenupthosebuttons said:

Teen boys should not be expected to parent their own MOTHER! She is 42 and has access to all the best medical care in the world! Yet she chooses to self destruct like this.

You people underestimate power of mental conditions. She can be 42 but she might think like a teenager bc of that condition. Not saying she has any or her kids should babysit her. But they definitely could show more compassion than making interview with that vile woman about her.  And also they were recording Britney on video...

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I have been huge Free Britney supporter, kept posting about it on my social media and created a local Instagram account dedicated to it but almost 3 years after I cannot lie to myself and say that the things look good and she is doing fine.

It’s been years since she was ok. Last time it was by the end of 2018. Almost 6 years ago. 

In the beginning I hoped that once theconservatorship ends slowly things will look better. But instead it’s only getting worse.

I really hoped the marriage to Sam would work out for her, that she would have more kids with him.

People can say whatever they want about Sam but in the end he was a healthy influence. He is focused on working out, eating healthy and being positive and he defended her in public against Kevin like a husband should.

Ever since their split things are only getting worse and this criminal boyfriend is only a bad news. Bad news like Adan and Sam L.

On the top I am really shocked that Britney did not learn a thing from 2007/2008. She seems to be back to where she was in 2007/2008. Newly divorced and in a trouble. I was thinking she is smarter and wiser that this whole mess starting with mess on Instagram. She still didn’t learn to play it nice for public and doing things she likes in private. The whole mess of 2007:2008 allowed the bad things to happen to her. Her behaviour allowed her family to take her life over in 2008. Bad choices. Losing custody of her boys. It was not a conspiracy that she was focused on her and her kids wellbeing. Parting and messing around was more important to her. And shejustified it in her book. Showed it like she went out few times for drinks with girls when she was showing her p&ssy to whole world, attacking car with umbrella and being high.

2024 Britney is ain’t no better than 2008 Britney. She is not wiser. She is not smarter.

She had a chance to be an advocate for abused people in conservatorship and change the laws. Instead she made Free Britney people like me to look like a fool.

Another time when people will bring conservatorship abuse topic to help abused people they will be laughed at and people will point at Britney and tell that it was a mistake to free her.

But being a mess like a rebelled teenager is all Britney cares about. She proved she cannot take care of herself.

And whatever delusional fans tell themselves to feel good it won’t change the reality we are in.

And Britney keeps bringing her mom and telling that she was trying to set her up is a poor excuse when Britney should look in the mirror and ask herself what kind of mother she is herself to her own boys. How much she embarrass them on daily basis and she is not protecting them at all. Yes they are legally adult(Sean and Jaden soon)but they are still her kids that need their mom to navigate them as young adults need their parents. But Britney is failing them.

And delusional fans calling on her sons that they should be there for her to support in this mess are f&ked up as hell. This is not a place for kids to take care of their mother. It’s a child abuse and can traumatise for life. When her boys are already embarrassed enough.

And yes for her boys conservatorship seemed good because they had their mom stable and being able to be some kind of mother figure because it’s all the kids need from parents. Being stable and provide stability. And in the eyes of Sean and Jayden that was when they had a mother and not a messy woman that doesn’t care about their well being.

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13 hours ago, Seanril said:

I dettagli del motivo per cui sono stati chiamati la POLIZIA e i PARAMEDICI!? Il personale e gli ospiti sono preoccupati per alcune donne che urlano e litigano. Cosa deve succedere perché voi vi svegliate e vi rendiate conto che non sta bene!?

police said they were called to a woman injured in the leg.

If you then believe the TMZ story, it is as you say.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, icybaby said:

You people underestimate power of mental conditions. She can be 42 but she might think like a teenager bc of that condition. Not saying she has any or her kids should babysit her. But they definitely could show more compassion than making interview with that vile woman about her.  And also they were recording Britney on video...

Yeah exactly. I didn’t mean they needed to watch her 24/7 or solve all her problems but the reports of them not even communicating with phone calls are really sad.

They aren’t 5 years old. Even if the relationship is damaged or complicated— I personally think they could still show her a little love during what has obviously been a hard time.

There are plenty of teenagers or young adults who find themselves in a situation where they have to be supportive to parents who are going through something. I had a parent die when I was little and I tried to take care of my other parent.

Edited by KatieKat
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11 hours ago, Kaitlyn Johnson said:

She was a danger to herself and her kids. She failed dr*g tests and was pictured driving with her son on her lap on the freeway. You stans really try to rewrite history. 

You are a pathetic troll for implying things that you don’t know, Kevin still smoking marihuanna and he is a good role model?


trolls like you are the ones who keep serving the one who destroyed Britney 

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14 minutes ago, MadameFreedom said:



I have been huge Free Britney supporter, kept posting about it on my social media and created a local Instagram account dedicated to it but almost 3 years after I cannot lie to myself and say that the things look good and she is doing fine.

It’s been years since she was ok. Last time it was by the end of 2018. Almost 6 years ago. 

In the beginning I hoped that once theconservatorship ends slowly things will look better. But instead it’s only getting worse.

I really hoped the marriage to Sam would work out for her, that she would have more kids with him.

People can say whatever they want about Sam but in the end he was a healthy influence. He is focused on working out, eating healthy and being positive and he defended her in public against Kevin like a husband should.

Ever since their split things are only getting worse and this criminal boyfriend is only a bad news. Bad news like Adan and Sam L.

On the top I am really shocked that Britney did not learn a thing from 2007/2008. She seems to be back to where she was in 2007/2008. Newly divorced and in a trouble. I was thinking she is smarter and wiser that this whole mess starting with mess on Instagram. She still didn’t learn to play it nice for public and doing things she likes in private. The whole mess of 2007:2008 allowed the bad things to happen to her. Her behaviour allowed her family to take her life over in 2008. Bad choices. Losing custody of her boys. It was not a conspiracy that she was focused on her and her kids wellbeing. Parting and messing around was more important to her. And shejustified it in her book. Showed it like she went out few times for drinks with girls when she was showing her p&ssy to whole world, attacking car with umbrella and being high.

2024 Britney is ain’t no better than 2008 Britney. She is not wiser. She is not smarter.

She had a chance to be an advocate for abused people in conservatorship and change the laws. Instead she made Free Britney people like me to look like a fool.

Another time when people will bring conservatorship abuse topic to help abused people they will be laughed at and people will point at Britney and tell that it was a mistake to free her.

But being a mess like a rebelled teenager is all Britney cares about. She proved she cannot take care of herself.

And whatever delusional fans tell themselves to feel good it won’t change the reality we are in.

And Britney keeps bringing her mom and telling that she was trying to set her up is a poor excuse when Britney should look in the mirror and ask herself what kind of mother she is herself to her own boys. How much she embarrass them on daily basis and she is not protecting them at all. Yes they are legally adult(Sean and Jaden soon)but they are still her kids that need their mom to navigate them as young adults need their parents. But Britney is failing them.

And delusional fans calling on her sons that they should be there for her to support in this mess are f&ked up as hell. This is not a place for kids to take care of their mother. It’s a child abuse and can traumatise for life. When her boys are already embarrassed enough.

And yes for her boys conservatorship seemed good because they had their mom stable and being able to be some kind of mother figure because it’s all the kids need from parents. Being stable and provide stability. And in the eyes of Sean and Jayden that was when they had a mother and not a messy woman that doesn’t care about their well being.


I think you said it all really, I agree with every word 💯👌

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25 minutes ago, MadameFreedom said:



I have been huge Free Britney supporter, kept posting about it on my social media and created a local Instagram account dedicated to it but almost 3 years after I cannot lie to myself and say that the things look good and she is doing fine.

It’s been years since she was ok. Last time it was by the end of 2018. Almost 6 years ago. 

In the beginning I hoped that once theconservatorship ends slowly things will look better. But instead it’s only getting worse.

I really hoped the marriage to Sam would work out for her, that she would have more kids with him.

People can say whatever they want about Sam but in the end he was a healthy influence. He is focused on working out, eating healthy and being positive and he defended her in public against Kevin like a husband should.

Ever since their split things are only getting worse and this criminal boyfriend is only a bad news. Bad news like Adan and Sam L.

On the top I am really shocked that Britney did not learn a thing from 2007/2008. She seems to be back to where she was in 2007/2008. Newly divorced and in a trouble. I was thinking she is smarter and wiser that this whole mess starting with mess on Instagram. She still didn’t learn to play it nice for public and doing things she likes in private. The whole mess of 2007:2008 allowed the bad things to happen to her. Her behaviour allowed her family to take her life over in 2008. Bad choices. Losing custody of her boys. It was not a conspiracy that she was focused on her and her kids wellbeing. Parting and messing around was more important to her. And shejustified it in her book. Showed it like she went out few times for drinks with girls when she was showing her p&ssy to whole world, attacking car with umbrella and being high.

2024 Britney is ain’t no better than 2008 Britney. She is not wiser. She is not smarter.

She had a chance to be an advocate for abused people in conservatorship and change the laws. Instead she made Free Britney people like me to look like a fool.

Another time when people will bring conservatorship abuse topic to help abused people they will be laughed at and people will point at Britney and tell that it was a mistake to free her.

But being a mess like a rebelled teenager is all Britney cares about. She proved she cannot take care of herself.

And whatever delusional fans tell themselves to feel good it won’t change the reality we are in.

And Britney keeps bringing her mom and telling that she was trying to set her up is a poor excuse when Britney should look in the mirror and ask herself what kind of mother she is herself to her own boys. How much she embarrass them on daily basis and she is not protecting them at all. Yes they are legally adult(Sean and Jaden soon)but they are still her kids that need their mom to navigate them as young adults need their parents. But Britney is failing them.

And delusional fans calling on her sons that they should be there for her to support in this mess are f&ked up as hell. This is not a place for kids to take care of their mother. It’s a child abuse and can traumatise for life. When her boys are already embarrassed enough.

And yes for her boys conservatorship seemed good because they had their mom stable and being able to be some kind of mother figure because it’s all the kids need from parents. Being stable and provide stability. And in the eyes of Sean and Jayden that was when they had a mother and not a messy woman that doesn’t care about their well being.


you going to copy and paste this spiel in every thread you're in?

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11 hours ago, annalai23 said:


She's a 40+ woman yet acted like a high school punk. 

I don’t understand why some people seem so angry with her. I wouldn’t say she’s acting like a “punk.”

She seems really devastated and alone and can’t trust people to get help because the system messed with her before. She’s furious at the world and doesn’t know what to do. And she could have some damage from the lithium in 2019 or she could have underlying mental conditions or a combination of both those things. And then PTSD. All of this is really complicated.

It’s sad and alarming and I wish she were making better decisions too but I don’t think fans should be angry with her. Let’s just 🙏 she finds her way out 

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1 minute ago, KatieKat said:

I don’t understand why some people seem so angry with her. I wouldn’t say she’s acting like a “punk.”

She seems really devastated and alone and can’t trust people to get help because the system messed with her before. She’s furious at the world and doesn’t know what to do. And she could have some damage from the lithium in 2019 or she could have underlying mental conditions or a combination of both those things. And then PTSD. All of this is really complicated.

It’s sad and alarming and I wish she were making better decisions too but I don’t think fans should be angry with her. Let’s just 🙏 she finds her way out 

She is doing basically the same mistakes she has done in 2007/2008 and use same lame excuses over and over again. But this time around she cannot say “what the hell I was thinking “anymore because well she had years to figure it out how she could act better in 2007/2008. But instead of doing things differently she keeps repeating her mistakes but this time her erratic behaviour is on the full display not only thanks to paparazzi but her own Instagram where she presents herself as mess. Why need paparazzi photos when all media can do is to go to her Instagram and find easily either naked pictures, bizzare “dancing”, “dancing”with knifes, “dancing” and smoking, being s@xxy around animals and all the time looking like a mess that has just woken up from bed or staring into camera.

As I said 2024 Britney ain’t no smarter, wiser than 2008 Britney. She didn’t learn from her own mistakes. 

But this time she has a criminal as a boyfriend not paparazzi and I don’t know if this is upgrade or downgrade.

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I don’t know how the law works in California - how feasible would it be for Brit to get a restraining order against Lynne / Team Con’s circle? I can’t imagine what it must be like living in constant fear of them pulling a stunt like 2008 again 

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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, MadameFreedom said:

She is doing basically the same mistakes she has done in 2007/2008 and use same lame excuses over and over again. But this time around she cannot say “what the hell I was thinking “anymore because well she had years to figure it out how she could act better in 2007/2008. But instead of doing things differently she keeps repeating her mistakes but this time her erratic behaviour is on the full display not only thanks to paparazzi but her own Instagram where she presents herself as mess. Why need paparazzi photos when all media can do is to go to her Instagram and find easily either naked pictures, bizzare “dancing”, “dancing”with knifes, “dancing” and smoking, being s@xxy around animals and all the time looking like a mess that has just woken up from bed or staring into camera.

As I said 2024 Britney ain’t no smarter, wiser than 2008 Britney. She didn’t learn from her own mistakes. 

But this time she has a criminal as a boyfriend not paparazzi and I don’t know if this is upgrade or downgrade.

Any high profile celebrity especially a mega star like her should not be dating an ex criminal or house keeper. it's not normal. it's probably because a normal decent guy wouldn't put up with all the bizzare behaviour. 

Edited by britney_stan
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11 minutes ago, britney_stan said:

Any high profile celebrity especially a mega star like her should not be dating an ex criminal or house keeper. it's not normal. it's probably because a normal decent guy wouldn't put up with all the bizzare behaviour. 

Exactly. Even Sam couldn’t stand it anymore.

And it’s telling she sees Matthew Rosengart as a father figure when he is not that older than her rather than a man she could date and marry.

She is really stucked in a teenager mentality.

Jason Trawick became too bornig for her, Charlie obviously was not interesting enough too.

She prefers men like Kevin,Adan,Paul,Jason Alexander, Sam Ashgrahi.


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