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POP EMERGENCY: Is “exhale” finished? - Jordan speaks!!


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4 hours ago, Exhaolic said:

I didn't know that! :imok_goo_ooze_yellow_slime_mess_blonde:

But I mean, even a simple word like "se_xy"? Damn Google, it's 2022 lol :emma:

It's ridiculous, I agree !
Even on Youtube, I don't know if you've noticed but creators avoid these words to make sure their content is suitable for monetization. :surething_britney_eyeroll_rolling_eyes_um_okay:

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7 hours ago, Midnight said:

This is exaclty the issue I have with you Britney fans. What do you mean without Britney there's no Breathe Heavy? This place is now open to discuss every other pop culture icon, as Jordan has stated SEVERAL times, unfortunatetly you obesesed Britney fans make sure to scare other music fans away. :schoolingtime_talking_telling_glasses_preaching:

This is why exhale can't acheve it's maximum potential.

Drag them! :deadbanana_pbj_peanut_butter_jelly_time_yellow: I've been saying this for such a long while

They hardly like any artist unless if they are inspired by Britney or make music similar to the style of Britney's ( *cough* *cough* Kim Petras) :orangu_orangutan_ape:

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I don't think Exhale will ever shut down but yes, I do think in the sense of relevance and engagement, it is somewhat on the path towards fading into irrelevance unfortunately :( I remember when I had first made an account here, the site was booming with threads from various users (rather than the page just being carried by 3-4 users like nowadays) and everything felt so exciting to discuss about. 

It's literally why I managed to get 17k+ replies, because there were always great threads, interactive users and compelling posts to engage with. :beynah_beyonce_talking_telling_preaching:

Nowadays, there are only 6-8 threads that are crossing over 50+ replies while back then, it was literally the bare minimum and seeing threads with 100+ posts was a very common sight. :overit_leave_walk_away_catfish_get_up_bye_goodbye_out_done:

This site could've easily transitioned into a pop culture-related site if many of the users were willing to discuss about today's pop music rather than just label it as "trash"; instead of recycling the same threads about Britney, whose comeback into pop music is incredibly polarizing amongst us and uncertain. :heresthetea_reading_telling_glasses_talking_preaching_facts_paper_wendy_williams: It's really so common to see the "bAd mUsIc!!1! bAcK iN tHe GoOd oLd DaYs oF BrItnEys pRiMe iN 2000 A.D, wE-" narrative being pushed here when there is a whole lot of great modern pop music to deal with. In fact, I think it's better than the material we got during the late 2010s (except for 2019). :yaknow_britney_xfactor_X_factor_talk_tell_chat_you_know:

I also miss so many of our iconic users having a more frequent presence here. The Exhale legend, @Joshyworld getting banned (don't know if it was permanent or temporary) was the final nail in the coffin for me :/ 

On a positive and optimistic outlook, this site has carried itself on the shoulders of the very amazing- Jordan Miller for nearly 2 decades. That is a serious feat for pop culture sites like Exhale when many already start declining after 10 years or so. Plus, we are leaving such an iconic legacy of being a crucial catalyst in the ushering of the #FreeBritney movement onto the international stage. These are the very wonderful things that our site has done and will be remembered for :) I'll really miss the loads of fun I had in this site :crying1_britney_sobbing_tears_2006_sad: I also have to thank our new moderators- @SlayOut and @GlitterRain for doing such a spectacular job over monitoring this site and keeping it stable. I wish y'all had the opportunities of moderating it in more messy but fun times :sendinglove_kissing_heart_love_blowing:

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12 minutes ago, Blackout2006 said:

I also have to thank our new moderators- @SlayOut and @GlitterRain for doing such a spectacular job over monitoring this site and keeping it stable. I wish y'all had the opportunities of moderating it in more messy but fun times :sendinglove_kissing_heart_love_blowing:

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind words and have enjoyed being part of the Exhale team 🤍

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Exhell has had so many ups and downs over the years, and I've only been a user since 2017. The fact that a non-Reddit forum is still up and running in 2022 is impressive in and of itself. :jordan-perfume: As for the, quote, unquote, "censorship", I've never really felt censored, seeing as how the only warning points I've gotten recently are for using the F-slur. :fruit_fall_trip_ouch_dead: And there are some things that need to be censored. We're so much better than her IG comments for a reason, and it'd better stay that way. :riri_rihanna_take_bow_wink_flirt_hand_white: Also, don't go making me feel bad for calling you the King of Toxic Positivity, Jordan. :selenerz_selena_crying_tears_sad:

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2 hours ago, Body ache said:

What post?

This one

""" Britney went to dinner at Nobu for her birthday. Whilst there, she picked up a woman's baby and gave him a smooch. The woman caught the moment on camera and sent the pictures to her friend. Her friend made a TikTok about the event and dragged Britney in the process, calling her a "hillbilly psycho" then proceeded to shade Britney's appearance. 😔 """"

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2 hours ago, TeaWaiter said:

Maybe if you SUPPORTED Britney, you wouldn't feel that way.

You knew everything about her situation but you CHOSE to stay SILENT. Until everything blew after her testimony. You started to act like her #1 faithful supporter BS and now, with all the conspiracy $h!t and rumors you're being silent again but worse.... when I read the title of he post you wrote on FB, I was shocked... how could a Britney stan write that !!!! It seemed like you were believing that story and accusing Britney as well.

We're not 20 anymore Jordy

Accusing Britney of what?? Posing with a baby?? Kissing it on the cheek??? Why are people so perturbed by Britney posing with a baby??? The narrative was false but the pics are a non-issue IMO. 

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9 hours ago, kgid said:

But when you've got and have newbies as MODs that put up random pictures of Brit to assess your mood today

Glitter is doing a really good job. I don’t think it’s cool to lay into someone for creating content and topics. Not everyone is going to find value in them but many do (including me).

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