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POP EMERGENCY: Is “exhale” finished? - Jordan speaks!!


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14 minutes ago, easy said:

completely agree! 

i might not agree with all your thoughts and opinions regarding britney, but i respect your right to have and express them.

i think the people who only pop up to say how "worried" they are she posts a video dancing, or implied nude, etc. are the ones that deserve a second thought about keeping around or banning. those kind of opinions aren't conducive to any sort of conversation around britney, and imo, clearly meant to distract. especially when they can't defend why they're actually concerned. 

but i do appreciate our conversations on here, it's not healthy to only listen to the side of the story you believe. and even if we never agree on somethings, i appreciate the new perspective and thoughts you and others bring to the table 🌹

For sure, I love this post and I agree. 

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11 minutes ago, Jordan Miller said:

Nothing is happening to BreatheHeavy right now and I have no plans. But sometimes I wonder what it’d be like to completely disconnect and let Britney do her thing without the energy of the BH community (which is mostly good btw, hence why I feel conflicted and can’t bring myself to). 

In addition to the forum stuff, there’s difficult things that go in behind-the-scenes too and at this point in time I’m just feeling a bit burnt out. 

I hope you figure out a way to make the forum less work for yourself. Maybe you could negotiate selling a percentage of it? Idk how all of that works but I am sure it could be cool to share responsibilities. Maybe sell part of it to a video hosting platform that is up and coming? Or... a podcast app? Lol idk. I'm sure I sound stupid but I do think you have created a cool community. I respect you. 

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Kill the gossip at its centre. Do it Jordan, it can only be good. I'm sure you can put your power into something else and make a success just like breatheavy. Like passing on your knowledge, a podcast maybe . . The list is endless but this is no good for britney really no more. This was started for britney, without britney, since she's not doing anything. There's not really a breatheheavy. WE DO THANK YOU BLOODY LOADS THOUGH XXXXXXXXX

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  • Super Mods
1 hour ago, easy said:

pleasing everyone will never happen. i think it's quite obvious the members that are here for healthy discussion regarding britney and the ones that want to derail and spin their own harmful narratives. the issue starts when the members who only want to derail and push harmful narratives are allowed to do so and stay. i think there should be a sit down of what exhale started as, what it was supposed to be, etc. and see how that fits into the current state of things. you're gonna make some people mad, but that's life. do you want exhale to be the place where conspiracy thrives? where people have their "freedom of speech" and no consequence? where harmful "opinions" that britney "isn't well" because she *checks notes* danced in her living room? or do you want exhale to be a place where there is healthy, discourse surrounding britney's life and career? where people realize that she is a free woman who has been through an unthinkable amount of trauma that none of us could ever properly understand. that she is a woman who deserves grace and understanding. where she isn't judged for what she does or doesn't do, but praised for her strength and celebrated for her personal and professional accomplishments? the conspiracy wackadoos already have their places to thrive, do they need another?

I agree with this and see limiting conspiracy-riddled threads or discussions as necessary because they have the danger of spreading, multiplying, and then affecting things offline/in the real world. @blackingouthenegativity made the connection to the proliferation of these theories inspiring or informing things like Jason Alexander breaking into Britney’s home on her wedding to “see if she’s ok.”

Online discourse should be held within a set of agreed upon standards and ethics, since it does impact life outside the internet.

I think this is actually one of the promises of a platform like Exhale, since there are humans behind the scenes who are trying our best to moderate or create an environment where healthy, robust discussion can occur. There is not some algorithm here determining the conversation or what is permissible. We are all setting that standard ourselves.

And while a handful of Mods are doing that work voluntarily, I don’t think that it should be lost on all members that we have a responsibility for upholding the type of discourse we want to see here.

I know my DMs are always open or I’m at least willing to listen to folks if they have ideas on how things can be changed or improved. I think there should also be an acknowledgment that we can’t fix or address everything.

Idk if I’m rambling at this point (it’s been a long day offline) but I just wanted to chime in and write these thoughts down before they exited my brain lol :katycream_perry_witness_nod_yes:

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I say do it, Jordan!  Maybe just a hiatus for a while.  Britney isn’t working and tbh, a lot of times I think this fandom is so insanely toxic that the constant conspiracies just fester and create humongous messes.  I’d say bring it back if she chooses to work again and/or once she’s officially spoken her truth so that all of the conspiracies can be put to rest.  But she may never do that and this forum has definitely taken a strange turn.

regardless, mad love for you and all the work you’ve put into this site/forum.  It’s insane to think I’ve been part of this since 2005 or 2006 (joined in 2009 once we were no longer able to post as “anonymous”…I was too lazy to join :jl_jamie_lynn_awkward_cringe_eek:.  I’ve seen it all on this forum and tbh, these days it’s worse than 2007.  You deserve peace too, Jordan, so if you think it’s a good idea, I support your decision!

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  • Content Curators
12 minutes ago, snw1987 said:

Kill the gossip at its centre. Do it Jordan, it can only be good. I'm sure you can put your power into something else and make a success just like breatheavy. Like passing on your knowledge, a podcast maybe . . The list is endless but this is no good for britney really no more. This was started for britney, without britney, since she's not doing anything. There's not really a breatheheavy. WE DO THANK YOU BLOODY LOADS THOUGH XXXXXXXXX

This is exaclty the issue I have with you Britney fans. What do you mean without Britney there's no Breathe Heavy? This place is now open to discuss every other pop culture icon, as Jordan has stated SEVERAL times, unfortunatetly you obesesed Britney fans make sure to scare other music fans away. :schoolingtime_talking_telling_glasses_preaching:

This is why exhale can't acheve it's maximum potential.

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I wanna be there when you touch fire

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I think this is unsustainable in the long run at least,  without expanding the forum to other subjects. I am aware, officially, it is open to many subjects, but I see, mostly, Britney subjects being main paged. IF you have one artist who has decided to retire, people don't know what to do and there is very little content. You can clearly see so many are just creating topics to keep themselves going. Not that it's bad, but again, if Britney decides to never do anything again, how many "what was she thinking while she was sitting down in this restaurant in 2007" threads could we have?


Anyways, I do appreciate dialogue without people trying.to derail one another. Its important to maintain the flow, even when we disagree. But you can also tell when someone wants their point to be the only one.

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5 minutes ago, Bigno said:

I think this is unsustainable in the long run at least,  without expanding the forum to other subjects. I am aware, officially, it is open to many subjects, but I see, mostly, Britney subjects being main paged. IF you have one artist who has decided to retire, people don't know what to do and there is very little content. You can clearly see so many are just creating topics to keep themselves going. Not that it's bad, but again, if Britney decides to never do anything again, how many "what was she thinking while she was sitting down in this restaurant in 2007" threads could we have?


Anyways, I do appreciate dialogue without people trying.to derail one another. Its important to maintain the flow, even when we disagree. But you can also tell when someone wants their point to be the only one.

I agree with the part of you can tell when someone wants their POV to be the only one. Some people make things personal if they don't agree you face the consequences.

That's part of the issue is so many people have mentioned their voices aren't heard, their opinions are being shut out and the narrative if being consumed to reflect one POV. 

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When it comes to the rules, I'm ok with the existing ones! I always say: My house, my rules! And I guess this is a bit like a 2nd house to you? so you should not worry about the rules! :brityes_britney_yes_nodding:

However, I feel like that maybe less or no conspiracy theories/theorists should be allowed in here and trust me, I am in no way, trying to tell you and the great mods in here, what to do! BUT if Britney does indeed check this website from time to time, I don't think she'd like to see a bunch of TikTokers and/or fanatics questioning everything she does or if she's still alive!! :nyheadache_miss_ny_new_york_tiffany_annoyed_head_rub_irritated_red_tired:

One last thing is the censorship, is way too strong! Like, I can't even type the word '****' which is a bit too much? :cheese_Britney_awkward_cringe_eek:


Edit: The word is 's_e_x_y' :imok_goo_ooze_yellow_slime_mess_blonde:

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1 hour ago, KatieKat said:

People just like to ***** and moan. Don’t take it to heart Jordan.  

I appreciate having a place to chat with other fans, even if some are a bit much sometimes 😆

Thank you to everyone who keeps this spot up and running 

Britney Spears Thank You GIF

It’s not about taking to heart it’s about the fact that it’s EXHAUSTING and it doesn’t ever seem there is any winning. Not to mention annoying. Jordan is kind and very objective. And he is doing the righteous thing by NOT shutting down a conversation that the “GP of exhale” deems the “wrong” opinion. 

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1 hour ago, Jordan Miller said:

Nothing is happening to BreatheHeavy right now and I have no plans. But sometimes I wonder what it’d be like to completely disconnect and let Britney do her thing without the energy of the BH community (which is mostly good btw, hence why I feel conflicted and can’t bring myself to). 

In addition to the forum stuff, there’s difficult things that go in behind-the-scenes too and at this point in time I’m just feeling a bit burnt out. 

I think It is ok to have all these feelings and question urself and ur work from time to time. I myself think  it can mean person outgrowes something and just need to figure out new growing points. And also it can be the end of the year and we all tired from work, life situations etc. Maybe it is good to have a good vacation so u can clear ur mind.

I hope i am not sounding like giving an advice no1 asked for. Just expressing my thoughts.

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Excel isn't finished nor do I see it going anywhere but that can be taken a few different ways. I don't see Jordan expanding much on the site as Jordan's also my same exact age and even I I've grown up and just don't have the same interest anymore that I did when I was younger. Not to mention Britney's in a different place in her life and things have just changed a lot over the years including the demand which kind of affected the passion for the entire project as a whole I'm sure. I'm sure XL will always be open for the crazies and the younger fans who love to gossip and I'm sure Jordan will pass it along to someone who's someone is passionate down the road. Y'all also have to understand us grown adults don't feel comfortable gossiping about a woman and Britney's position as the situation is just very very complicated and it feels wrong at this point. I wouldn't want the responsibility of carrying the weights of her biggest fan site which comes with nothing but gossip and speculation when in reality that's hurt Brittany herself. Thank you for all you've done Jordan and I've always enjoyed our own conversations and I completely get it. I'd also like to add that all of you get to enjoy the site and speculate but the people who step up for Britney including Jordan himself have dealt with many consequences including threats by her own family and team. That also includes people like BJ AKA that surprise witness who fans complain about because she doesn't advocate enough anymore when in reality she did more than 99% of you and paid plenty of consequences for doing so. Some of you and probably most of you may not understand all of that but that's okay one day you will it's just a part of growing up, and for the s*** bags you deserve nothing more than to live a life stuck in gossip.

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