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Did the CONs leak the SONG Make Me to distract from Mr. Jamie Lynn’s car crash that killed three people?: A Research Thread

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1 hour ago, Steel Magnolia said:

I just checked under "JP3" and "James Watson."

The only $50-million MIM that came before the accident was on the Cypress Ave. address (aka "Geyser Place" or "Cate Street Extension") in 2014. It was eventually cancelled, though I can't tell in what year.

Oh, before the accident.  Gotcha.  I will keep looking. 

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3 minutes ago, RebellionSparkles said:

The Sept 2017 transaction is particularly sus. He sells His property to himself for $37k and then mortgages the property for $50mm

We should maybe clarify how these MIM's work...

So the $50-million is like a line of credit? 

He doesn't need to use the full $50-million...But it's there if he needs it?

I notice his parents have done it many times as well.

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5 minutes ago, Steel Magnolia said:

We should maybe clarify how these MIM's work...

So the $50-million is like a line of credit? 

He doesn't need to use the full $50-million...But it's there if he needs it?

I notice his parents have done it many times as well.

There are some large mortgages with Kyle Tallo in Tranquility Trace Partners LLC.  


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32 minutes ago, Steel Magnolia said:

We should maybe clarify how these MIM's work...

So the $50-million is like a line of credit? 

He doesn't need to use the full $50-million...But it's there if he needs it?

I notice his parents have done it many times as well.

The MIM looks a little bit like a revolver IMO…but it still doesn’t matter. You need some asset worth $50mm to get a $50mm revolver.

the type of loan can get very complicated. But the differences in loans all essentially boils down to “in the case of bankruptcy, which creditor gets the first bite of the assets securing the loan.”

There are always assets securing the loan.


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On 7/7/2022 at 7:24 PM, Onyx1Boss said:

Britney mentioned JL was actively managing the conservatorship for her dad at some point. Not a stretch for her or her husband to be using Britney's money / the con to cover up her husband's misdeeds, or even fund his businesses

that is exactly what I was thinking. I don't think this has anything to do with the make me video, but more so they probably used Brit's money to cover it up. I wouldn't be surprised if they paid that plaintiff David off.

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1 hour ago, queenofhearts said:

that is exactly what I was thinking. I don't think this has anything to do with the make me video, but more so they probably used Brit's money to cover it up. I wouldn't be surprised if they paid that plaintiff David off.

The whole premise is the timeline. And a question (that I’m genuinely looking for feedback)…isn’t it sus that the song was surprise release the same week as the accident? B/c Perez “leaked” two second of audio on July 11? 
the reasoning to connect Make Me (song release) to the crash is the timing and unexpected release of the song. (On Monday 2 secs of song stems leak via Perez the night of the crash, resulting in a sloppy Friday release of the song).

if I’m wrong on this, I def want y’all’s feedback…bc really the whole premise is that the CONs leaked the song EARLY (but I know this is non consensus in the fandom bc the video drama). The idea is that the song and music video were supposed to be released in august (simultaneously). And the reason the song was released w/o a MV was bc the song was released ahead of schedule. In this context the LaChapelle video is a red herring, bc the assumption is once the CONs actually watched the LaChapelle edit…they were never going to let that version air. The CONs always intended the Disney version of the MV to be the official vid.

*hoping for your feedback despite my unnecessarily long response*

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1 hour ago, RebellionSparkles said:

The whole premise is the timeline. And a question (that I’m genuinely looking for feedback)…isn’t it sus that the song was surprise release the same week as the accident? B/c Perez “leaked” two second of audio on July 11? 
the reasoning to connect Make Me (song release) to the crash is the timing and unexpected release of the song. (On Monday 2 secs of song stems leak via Perez the night of the crash, resulting in a sloppy Friday release of the song).

if I’m wrong on this, I def want y’all’s feedback…bc really the whole premise is that the CONs leaked the song EARLY (but I know this is non consensus in the fandom bc the video drama). The idea is that the song and music video were supposed to be released in august (simultaneously). And the reason the song was released w/o a MV was bc the song was released ahead of schedule. In this context the LaChapelle video is a red herring, bc the assumption is once the CONs actually watched the LaChapelle edit…they were never going to let that version air. The CONs always intended the Disney version of the MV to be the official vid.

*hoping for your feedback despite my unnecessarily long response*

you assumption is they released it ahead of schedule to distract about this accident in case word got out about it?

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41 minutes ago, queenofhearts said:

you assumption is they released it ahead of schedule to distract about this accident in case word got out about it?

Yeah that is the premise. I have lots of receipts showing that the release of the song was a surprise…but obvs there is no way for me to show/prove the intended release date.

I trust Stan’s more than receipts…the difficulty is that Stans we’re promised an early 2016 release of the leads single…that turned out to be false. So by July it felt like “finalllly the song is out”…but my point is that Stan’s were the ONLY peeps that knew the song was out. ONE radio station in New Orleans was playing the song on July 15 (release date).

But where I could be wrong is if July was always the expected release date for the song and the CONs just slopped the release bc they are all terrible at their jobs.

this story is interesting enough that mr. JL caused a tragic crash that none of us knew about. My intuition is that the leak and rushed release of MM is related to the crash (a leak of B’s lead single to make sure the story of Mr. JL’s crash stayed out of headlines). The receipts I have show that the release of MM song was a surprise…but there is no way for me to show that the release was early, bc obvs none of us know the intended release date set by RCA/Sony. My hypothesis is the intended release date for the song/video was ~Aug 28 (VMA performance)

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On 7/9/2022 at 12:17 PM, chizwhiz said:

This is interesting. One of the men that died, his daughter named in the obit is close friends with JLs oldest daughter. She was in the photos of their trip to LA last weekend and has been to the destin condo etc.

This is very insightful. 😊

What bothers me about the crash is that the victims families were entitled to millions. Mr. JL has a $50mm line of credit on Fluker and he was not insured for the crash…aka the entire $50mm would be available for the victims…but the victims seem like the were duped into accepting a bad deal bc they couldn’t afford lawyers.

my true hope of putting this info into the universe/interwebs is that the info reaches a good lawyer who can help the families get a decent settlement. 
Young widow with three kids, and seemingly no settlement. One life was ended and four lives lost any chance of stability. They will never get justice, but hopefully they can get a settlement that pay a few bills.

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First of, I agree with you guys that JP3 was protected by the town police and I assume he is considered a somewhat important person there (I assume all in the Spears family are).

Now, to play devil's advocate, I proceed to poke holes:

On 7/9/2022 at 7:01 PM, Steel Magnolia said:

There's a drawing of the accident...In which JP3's tractor trailer isn't even included in the drawing?

The officer included a drawing of the truck hauling chickens, but not an illustration of the 18-wheeler blocking two lanes of traffic?!

Am I getting that right? 

Maybe the drawing only has to represent the vehicles that actually crashed? If the sketch is done to represent the damages and Watson's truck didn't get hit, maybe there was no need to include it in there.

6 hours ago, RebellionSparkles said:

The whole premise is the timeline. And a question (that I’m genuinely looking for feedback)…isn’t it sus that the song was surprise release the same week as the accident? B/c Perez “leaked” two second of audio on July 11? 
the reasoning to connect Make Me (song release) to the crash is the timing and unexpected release of the song. (On Monday 2 secs of song stems leak via Perez the night of the crash, resulting in a sloppy Friday release of the song).

This is my problem with this theory, dates coinciding are not enough for me to believe it was related to the MM song leak.

I do believe they hid/played down JP3's involvement because he was uninsured, but his sin was basically being unlucky (having the truck get stuck in a dich) while being uninsured.

2 hours ago, RebellionSparkles said:

What bothers me about the crash is that the victims families were entitled to millions. Mr. JL has a $50mm line of credit on Fluker and he was not insured for the crash…aka the entire $50mm would be available for the victims…but the victims seem like the were duped into accepting a bad deal bc they couldn’t afford lawyers.

my true hope of putting this info into the universe/interwebs is that the info reaches a good lawyer who can help the families get a decent settlement. 
Young widow with three kids, and seemingly no settlement. One life was ended and four lives lost any chance of stability. They will never get justice, but hopefully they can get a settlement that pay a few bills.

Were they? I don't know how it works in the US, but a hit from the rear and without wearing any seatbelts... I mean, the second truck was perfectly able to stop without any incidents, so I don't think it's that easy to conclude JP3 was the only one to blame. Of course I guess the part about him being uninsured changes things... but I have a hard time believing "millions" were at stake.


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On 7/9/2022 at 1:31 AM, Steel Magnolia said:

But here's the thing...

At every step along the way, JP3's involvement appeared to be covered up...From the police report, to the initial media reporting...It wasn't until we got to the point that we realized, "Holy heck. He was uninsured to drive the truck!" that the story started to gel and we began to realize why everything appeared so vague and hush-hush at the beginning of the incident.

So it looks like we need to take a good look at the accounting...

See, the thing is, I think this sort of thing happens in small towns (hell, and big towns too) all the time with people considered somwhat "important". So yeah, he was uninsured and since his truck wasn't directly hit in the accident it was very easy for the town police to basically leave him out of it, he even knew the deceased so he probably "solved" things with them unofficially somehow. Just your small town business as usual.

So if it was an easily controlled and controllable situation, why would they leak a song and/or ax the video right away? It honestly makes no sense to me. 

I'm way more interested in the money, because it makes way more sense to me that they used B's money to unofficially settle things with the families of the people who died in the accident, which were people they knew personally.

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2 hours ago, Tar_isa said:

So if it was an easily controlled and controllable situation, why would they leak a song and/or ax the video right away? It honestly makes no sense to me. 

I'm way more interested in the money, because it makes way more sense to me that they used B's money to unofficially settle things with the families of the people who died in the accident, which were people they knew personally.

So I'm of a different mind than @RebellionSparkles on this.

I think David's video and artwork were both supposed to drop on July 15, which is when it was serviced to radio.

And then two things happened:

1) The crash

*** TW: Violence ***

I'm assuming, from the description of witnesses, that the scene was intensely gory. Three people died in the pickup in a horrific manner.

It occurred on July 11th, and Perez leaked a two-second clip of the song on July 11th. I think the song was leaked early to distract and to keep the headlines from growing beyond the initial report out of Kentwood.

David's artwork featured a car crash, and considering, a) Britney's wearing the same outfit in the artwork as she is in David's video, and b) there's a car featured in David's video, I'm going to assume David's video also featured a car crash. (Obviously, the only way to verify this is if someone leaks the final cut of David's video.)

Due to not wanting to, a) seem insensitive to the victims, and b) cover up JP3's involvement in the crash by keep media coverage low, I believe they decided to axe David's artwork and video (which I'm sure Team CON wasn't a fan of in the first place). It would become an easy "excuse" to justify to Britney why the artwork and video had to be canned.

This would explain why we have Randee's version filmed one day after the song drops on July 16th. It was a very simple shoot (which is why it looks cheap!), so to me, it's easy to look at this video and know that they cobbled it together in the span of two or three days. Randee's video is the kind of thing film students are given for 48-hour assignments.

Fans then had to wait until Aug. 5th for Randee's video to drop while it went into post-production.


2) The money

This is easier to explain.

Britney's money could have been used to pay off the victims — or pay off other people to help keep the story out of the headlines.


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7 hours ago, RebellionSparkles said:

This is very insightful. 😊

What bothers me about the crash is that the victims families were entitled to millions. Mr. JL has a $50mm line of credit on Fluker and he was not insured for the crash…aka the entire $50mm would be available for the victims…but the victims seem like the were duped into accepting a bad deal bc they couldn’t afford lawyers.

my true hope of putting this info into the universe/interwebs is that the info reaches a good lawyer who can help the families get a decent settlement. 
Young widow with three kids, and seemingly no settlement. One life was ended and four lives lost any chance of stability. They will never get justice, but hopefully they can get a settlement that pay a few bills.

Were they entitled to it though? 

If you drive down a street and you fail to see a broken down car, if you hit that car - isn't that negligence on your part? 

Due to the statement, the big rig driver had enough time to see it and react, so why didn't the car driver see it?

Do we know if the big rig driver ever got a settlement, because I'd be surprised. 

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3 hours ago, Tar_isa said:

 I don't know how it works in the US, but a hit from the rear and without wearing any seatbelts... I mean, the second truck was perfectly able to stop without any incidents, so I don't think it's that easy to conclude JP3 was the only one to blame. Of course I guess the part about him being uninsured changes things... but I have a hard time believing "millions" were at stake.


Correct - the 1990 Silverado was the only vehicle unable to stop in time.  We do not know why this vehicle was unable to stop in a timely fashion, as the driver and passengers all perished. Speed was certainly a factor.  The driver may have been distracted or inattentive. We know he wasn't under the influence of ***** or alcohol. There are no indications of suicidal ideation.  The driver and his passengers were locals and presumably familiar with the road.  

In terms of liability and fault, the plaintiff, Corey David, wants to be made whole for his medical fees and residual emotional/psychological trauma. He does not ask for a specific amount past the ~$12,000 spent out of pocket on various doctors.  His ability to work as a truck driver has been compromised by lingering painful neurological symptoms and PTSD.  However, he is still able to work, but it has taken a toll on his life overall, as primarily evidenced by the divorce from his wife of 20+ years.

David was insured by his employer, Big 4 Trucking, through Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance Company. David sues Nationwide Agribusiness AND Fluker Trucking/James Watson for damages. 

In terms of blame or fault, do you think James Watson is 0% responsible for Corey David's pain and suffering?

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Yeah let's not make it a bigger deal than it is;

Britney got upset with the video director David Lachapelle of which we actually have proof. 

This ultimately led to not use the video directed by him and they chose to re-do the video with somebody else. This is why the release date also got pushed back as they had to re-film and edit everything.

Perez Hilton leaking parts of the original video just MAY have been a tactic by Team B to create a hype that would translate in better streaming numbers.

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4 hours ago, Tar_isa said:

I'm way more interested in the money, because it makes way more sense to me that they used B's money to unofficially settle things with the families of the people who died in the accident, which were people they knew personally.

If you have a chance to read through the docs, I would be interested in your opinion on all of this.  

July 2016 - accident. Corey David's 18 wheeler is struck from behind.  David suffers physical and emotional trauma.

July 2017 - Corey David sues his employer's insurance company Nationwide Agribusiness, Watson/Fluker + insurance company, and the deceased Silverado driver's insurance company.

November 2018 - Corey David sits for a deposition for his Nationwide Agribusiness.

March 2019 - Corey David's personal attorney, not Nationwide's, submits a motion asking to dismiss JUST Watson/Fluker from the rest of the suit. No reason cited.  (I assume there was a payout at this time in order for Watson/Fluker to avoid trial). 

April-May 2019 - Nationwide Agribusiness has a change of attorney.  In order to understand why plaintiff Corey David wants to dismiss Watson/Fluker, she subpoenas the Watson/Fluker insurance police and other docs. 

October 2019 - Nationwide Agribusiness's new attorney submits a motion saying that yes, Fluker/Watson can be dismissed. They do not need to be present at the court in order for their policy to cover David's damages, which seem to be less than $75,000.  She argues that dismissing Fluker/Watson from the trial is fine as it does not exclude them from covering/paying up for claims.  A jury trial might result in Fluker compensating David up to one million dollars through their policy.



December 2019 - Corey David's personal attorney gets the flu and has to temporarily suspend his practice.

February 2020 - David gets a new attorney.

July 2020 - David's personal attorney argues that his client has more than proven that Nationwide Agribusiness should pay for all of David's damages. He claims the police report concludes that the Silverado driver was 100% at fault.  

July 2020 - Nationwide Agribusiness argues that the police did NOT say the Silverado drive was 100% at fault and that Fluker/Watson are partially responsible.



Nationwide picks apart Corey David's reasoning for why Nationwide is 100% responsible for his damages.  They note that David even admitted that Fluker is at least 1% responsible.  



Edited by Ghoulia
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