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CDAN Blind 1-23-2022

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Okay today there was a CDAN blind saying how people magazine has quietly sided with the sister over the “singer” because they know something big is coming. 

I know most of those are BS (they have another one today accusing an A list celeb of selling women in a s** trade that makes me 🥴). But it got me thinking why People would be pro- JL. Do we think maybe Lou paid People magazine to make JL look good? All the other sources out there seem to side with Britney.

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Not people believing CDAN in 2022 :britdrown_britney_tears_crying_drown_ink_black:  being said that though, Lou is definitely not a no-name...She has some of the best connections in Hollywood, she is powerful and rich and that's why MANY celebs have not and will not say a single word in support of Britney because they are selfish and only care about $$$, they know they will be blacklisted if they speak against Loucifer.

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29 minutes ago, SumoCyco2017 said:

Bet the medical records are about to be open for public

But even if they are opened (which they should never be), there can’t be anything Britney has a suffered from that other humans haven’t also dealt with. 

I guess I just find it odd Lou would put so much effort into JL’s reputation now. She hasn’t done anything for her career. She does seem to have people in her pocket though. They have always been pro-team con.

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6 minutes ago, Brit52 said:

It doesn't surprise me, didn't JL say she recentlyet with people mag in a random parking lot?

lmaooo YES she did!!! and why would she even say that lol. like a random parking lot girl???? she wanna be in the mafia sooo bad but she still calls her dad daddy in writing 

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Bs. And btw Lou has lost her power. Its slowly being diminished. Everyone knows her character and the games she plays.

When I was a kid my Dad asked me "Whats more important in life? Power or money? I said money being a 15 year old. He said no. Power. Money is just a perk when you have power."

For a while I thought they went hand in hand but thats false. Lou will be forced eventually to sit for deposition. Once Rosengart cracks her lies it will be a continual domino effect. She will lose clients. She wont be able to gain more. Her reputation will be shot. She will owe millions in fees and possibly more to reach a settlement avoiding prison time. Im sure she has investments that will cover her for a bit but one must question, if shes capable of the alleged allegations pertaining to the Britney case, what else is she doing privately and with her other clients? 

Her expose is at the tip of the iceburg and shes going down because she lost her power. Money will keep her afloat for a while but shes over. When you abuse the power you have and get greedy this is what happens. Its a firm reminder to all to keep your intentions pure. 

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