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Is it just me or is Circus kind of a forgettable album?

Peter Paulin

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I just realized it's probably the album I listen least to from Britney (Britney Jean is not a thing). Listening right now and there are a lot of bops, but I don't know, it just seems like a meh album that everybody kind of forgets. It definitely brought some hits, but she just doesn't seem that present in it; it lacks personality. 


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Disagree. Blur and Unusual You are some of her best songs period. Womanizer, Circus, and IUSA were amazing single choices. And it has quite a few unique, somewhat experimental songs like Mannequin, Lace & Leather, and Rock Me In. The bonus songs are absolute bops too - Phonography, Trouble, Rock Boy, Amnesia, Quicksand. 

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I agree. I listen to it the least, even BJ is played more which says a lot lmao. Idk it’s not bad it just lacks personality. It’s sad cause it’s her only heavily themed album and could have been done up more to be like you know, a circus :outwithit_go_on_wave_britney_femme_fatale_ff_documentary:


IUSA AND Circus are one of the best produced songs she has though imo

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I think Cirvus really lacked consistency. It had "darker" songs like Kill the Lights and Blur that seemed like a continuation of Blackout and possibly a route Britney would've preferred to take, but her team was really interested in rehabilitating her image so they brought Max Martin back to do songs with a softer pop sound like Circus. 

Most of the songs are great, but as some said as a body of work it seemed lacking and wasn't consistent. They were also under a tight schedule to record and release and it showed.

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I think Circus started the conservatorship backed trend of albums that were practically made before she even stepped into a booth. It's clear they didn't wanna push any envelopes and wanted an album that was safe, bubblegum pop. 

I think it is a solid album of bubblegum pop, and some of the ballads and midtempos are very good, but it lacks a consistency all of her other albums had, almost like it is a solid bunch of songs but not necessarily an album she worked on, and given the fact that it was probably recorded in like 6 months, that's not surprising. 


I do think it set a really bad professional precedent for Team Con, due to its success, as it gave them a greenlight to rush production on albums in a 6 months max window, while promising Britney that it would be her project only to scrap it. Femme Fatale is a more consistent album, but you can tell she wasn't engaged it in anyway from melodies to vocal takes, and i don't blame her. BJ....happened.....and thats completely her management's fault.

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36 minutes ago, Urbanney said:

Disagree. Blur and Unusual You are some of her best songs period. Womanizer, Circus, and IUSA were amazing single choices. And it has quite a few unique, somewhat experimental songs like Mannequin, Lace & Leather, and Rock Me In. The bonus songs are absolute bops too - Phonography, Trouble, Rock Boy, Amnesia, Quicksand. 

Your taste level is immaculate. Those are my two favorite songs on the album!!

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