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Lawyers for Britney seems...


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Update: Lawyers for Britney seems to have deactivated their twitter account.  Hmmm....wonder why...  Let's always keep asking questions.  Asking questions politely is not attacking or taking sides.  It is called having discourse. 

By the way, I don't care about any of the LFB drama with any of the other movement groups.  I care about the strange ideas they are trying to make fans digest for some reason.  As a lawyer myself, I believe lawyers should know better than to  state that someone in a conservatorship can just sign a declaration, and that we can take that as clear proof of what they 'want'.  People in conservatorships can be easily pressured to do or say anything since conservators are so powerful.

I have said it before and I will say it again, I think LFB was and can still be a big help to the movement.  However, all the good they have done does not excuse them or anyone else for just being answerable to statements that are made, particularly if such statements are false or misleading.  They are not and should not be immune to answering simple questions, especially as a group of lawyers that the fanbase seems to be significantly relying on .  As a lawyer group in the movement with a huge following they have a special responsibility and should be held to a higher standard and to more scrutiny(even when not being paid or formally representing anyone in particular)

But please don't use that as an excuse to harass or insult LFB.  That is not helpful either.  We are just asking questions here.


Original post:

Lawyers for Britney seems to be laying the foundations for one of the interested parties in Britney's case to say in the near future that Britney 'wants' to stay in a conservatorship of the estate (you know, where the $$$ is).  That is the feeling I am getting anyway.  If I had to guess, I would say that that will happen shortly after Britney's father is removed.

Lawyers for Britney is acting super sketch bringing up ideas like these before Britney or anyone else has even mentioned them. And also super sketch since we know she is not really free at all to make decisions while still in a conservatorship.

To top it off, the attempts of emotional manipulation in LFB's comments about Britney's 'happiness' are a bit suspicious.

The Tweet was removed but it said this:

If Britney herself were to sign a declaration saying she WANTS the cship of estate to remain once James is removed, would fans support her decision? Does Britney’s happiness even matter anymore, if it doesn’t fit the “Free Britney” agenda? Ngl, some of y’all starting to scare us


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Not unless she somehow was able to say she wants it directly to us. As I’ve said before voluntary is a legal term. She may very well be required to “voluntarily” stay in the conservator ship to prevent XYZ from happening, or to keep XYZ continuing to happen. I can’t say one way or another at this point. But I do think she’s strong enough to handle **** with the conservatorship completely dissolved. Do any A list celebrities manage their finances and pay their bills and ****? No. They have teams of people around them. She needs good people around her. Just like every other star on the planet. Even if this was once in place to save her life (whatever that actually means), from the sidelines I don’t feel like she needs it. 

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Can someone ban LawyersForBritney's account on here already? 


They are obviously not "FOR" Britney, but for Jamie... or at least change their account names to "LawyersForJamie"... 

Because this is not it. 

Nobody sane or mentally unwell would want to be placed under a conservatorship voluntarily, so LawyersForJamie can f.ck off. 


I don't want to be on the same forum as member(s) who are pro-conservatorship or conservatorship apologists. 

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13 minutes ago, STJ said:

Can someone ban LawyersForBritney's account on here already? 


They are obviously not "FOR" Britney, but for Jamie... or at least change their account names to "LawyersForJamie"... 

Because this is not it. 

Nobody sane or mentally unwell would want to be placed under a conservatorship voluntarily, so LawyersForJamie can f.ck off. 


I don't want to be on the same forum as member(s) who are pro-conservatorship or conservatorship apologists. 

Even if you don’t agree with anything they do, they blatantly said they support Britney and want her free of the conservatorship, haven’t they? I never paid attention to any of the accounts until the drama started and I read there PSA and I wasn’t getting conservatorship support vibes from it. Maybe I’m lacking factual information…

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4 minutes ago, halfdressed said:

Even if you don’t agree with anything they do, they blatantly said they support Britney and want her free of the conservatorship, haven’t they? I never paid attention to any of the accounts until the drama started and I read there PSA and I wasn’t getting conservatorship support vibes from it. Maybe I’m lacking factual information…

If they are truly FOR Britney, then they need to stop posting ******** tweets like, "What if britney wants to be in conservatorship"... because that is implying they are supporting conservatorships. Nobody wants to be in one, do you want to be in one? where you have 0 control over your life, your spending habits shown to the public every single year?


They are lawyers, are they not? Why do I have more brain cells than them?

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2 minutes ago, STJ said:

If they are truly FOR Britney, then they need to stop posting ******** tweets like, "What if britney wants to be in conservatorship"... because that is implying they are supporting conservatorships. Nobody wants to be in one, do you want to be in one? where you have 0 control over your life, your spending habits shown to the public every single year?


They are lawyers, are they not? Why do I have more brain cells than them?

Being objective, I think it sounds like they are asking a question and exploring ideas-trying to wrap their mind around how something so corrupt could go on for so long. The rest is connecting random dots and making assumptions on your or whoever’s end. I’m not for or against them; I don’t know enough. I’m just being rational and objective. 

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15 minutes ago, STJ said:

If they are truly FOR Britney, then they need to stop posting ******** tweets like, "What if britney wants to be in conservatorship"... because that is implying they are supporting conservatorships. Nobody wants to be in one, do you want to be in one? where you have 0 control over your life, your spending habits shown to the public every single year?


They are lawyers, are they not? Why do I have more brain cells than them?

because on court documents Sam Ingham said that the conservatorship was voluntary, though Britney had the freedom to terminate it in the future. They're not randomly "bringing up ideas".

Whether that's true or not, that's how it's being played on court, legally speaking, since Sam Ingham started to act like an actual lawyer last year.


I'm not saying that's right, even before this document was public, I had said many times in the past that even if at this point Britney is convinced she needs the conservatorship, or she's ok with it, it still doesn't make  it ok, because conservatorships aren't for that use, at least not for someone with Britney's capabilities. And I'm not defending Lawyersofbritney because I don't care about them, but ever since the drama started people have been acting as if this idea of Britney agreeing with the conservatoship once Jamie is gone comes out of nowhere, when it's literally there in one of the first documents that leaked last year.

If we're not going to believe that, then we shouldn't believe anything else that Ingham has said, like she wanting to remove her father, or her supporting the FreeBritney movement and the fans being informed of the process.



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why are we so quick to attack someone just bc they asked a question that differs from the usual narrative?

maybe they asked it bc of what Sam said about it being “voluntary”, or maybe they are just genuinely asking because some fans only want to push their narrative when we don’t know for sure if she wants the cship to stay and just wants Jamie out.

I’m getting tired of this stan war tbh. I’m not team LOB or BG i think both parties helped the movement. I don’t think this post by them necessarily means they’re team con, and the sudden allegations from BG on NYE weren’t backed up with any proof. 

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2 hours ago, halfdressed said:

Not unless she somehow was able to say she wants it directly to us. As I’ve said before voluntary is a legal term. She may very well be required to “voluntarily” stay in the conservator ship to prevent XYZ from happening, or to keep XYZ continuing to happen. I can’t say one way or another at this point. But I do think she’s strong enough to handle **** with the conservatorship completely dissolved. Do any A list celebrities manage their finances and pay their bills and ****? No. They have teams of people around them. She needs good people around her. Just like every other star on the planet. Even if this was once in place to save her life (whatever that actually means), from the sidelines I don’t feel like she needs it. 

Honestly I feel other celebrities require more hand holding than her yet she ends up in a conservatorship. They spend their millions to basically make their lives easier yet Britney is doing the opposite at her expense. 

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Lawyers for Britney are trash who have showed their hand multiple times. I’m thinking the account was taken over by someone else early last year when they had that little breakdown about her not saying anything herself in court and said they’d be leaving the movement and deactivated their account. They came back and didn’t even mention it. 

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I think they were only talking about the conservatorship of the state, not of the person. I would not find it strange if Britney wants a conservatorship of the state once she is free. I don't know if this can happen.

But if i am not mistaken, this would mean that she cannot be sued by a third party regarding her state and also if there are any problems with taxes it is not her responsibility. For example, i recall some soccer players were accused of tax evasion, even though they said their finances were managed by a third party. But they were brought to justice, had to testify, were sentenced by the judge. I think a conservatorship of the state could prevent that. But i am not 100% sure how it works in the US. I am only making assumptions.

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They’ve most definitely flipped the script and i feel like if Britney wanted to keep the cship in place in some form then that paperwork filed last year wouldn’t have said that Britney is doing such and such without waiving her right to terminate the cship. Yet that wording was in there, so clearly she wants the ability to terminate, I feel like Jamie is the main road block and removing him first will make terminating the whole thing easier.

She had finance/estate controllers BEFORE the cship and she can have that again, she doesn’t need this restrictive, court controlled thing just to keep her finances in check.

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How the hell can that even be legal ? If she doesn't need want personal conservatorship. She sure as hell doesn't need estate on just because she is bad at finances. Like wtf. 

50% of world population is bad with handling their finances.

I thought conservatorship were placed when someone is so mentally I'll that they are danger to themselves and others.

I can't stand lawyers for Britney.

They can quite frankly kiss my white lily Louisiana ***.

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@lawyersforbritney oh come on!!!!!!!!!

I have two theories here.... either way it is becoming very clear who's side you are on.

You were set up by Team con and your original intent was either to draw us all in and make you think you're on our side, and then now you're going to start steering people away, so team con can do what they want and with a bit more 'support' or less attention when doing so.

OR you were pro free Britney and have been threatened since, and are now trying to manipulate the movement to fit team con.

Either way, a lot of us wouldn't be surprised if you were absolutely being funded or being told somehow to fit with team cons agenda.

EITHER way, I don't think you deserve the support of Britney's fans anymore. Please all boycott.

It has come to light time and time again; whether it's through the court, or whether it's a letter she has wrote which has been leaked, that she never WANTED the conservatorship, and has always wanted to get out. Even Bryan Spears slipped that in his interview. 
Even if Britney herself has been manipulated to this day to thinking she needs it, that STILL isn't right. These people are still evil and it still doesn't add up that a woman of her stature and capability of making decisions, running business's, performing and looking after her beloved children, needs a conservatorship. Even if it turns around and we start hearing that she "wants" the conservatorship in court documents etc, remember who is in charge of the show and who has the power to manipulate what is said in court documents. We can't really trust anyone anymore, but we can't stop the fight.

At the END of the day, her money is her money. He rights are HER rights.

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Yall need to watch the movies, "Girl Interrupted", "Girl with the dragon tattoo" & "American Horror Story: Asylum" before saying anyone wants to be in a conservatorship...


As someone who has been held involuntarily at a mental institution before, I know how corrupted the judges and doctors are. All they want is bodies to fill up the bed so they can get $$. I was abused and forced to take medications against my will!


So I take this very personally, and I truly believe Britney and no one on this Earth would want to place themselves under a conservatorship where they can be forced to do anything at any time, including ***ual abuse, blackmails, threats etc. 


That's all I have to say regarding this matter, I hate you lawyersforjamie.


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