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Kylie Minogue to be honored by Gay times for Allyship of the year


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It's as if not going in the Guinness book of world records wasn't enough for Disco Queen Kylie Minogue. 


But the Biggest british Gay Press Gay times has announced Kylie Minogue is getting awarded for Allyship and her dedication to the LGBT community. 


William Baker and Rufus Wainwright and several others have noted between her And Madonna, the two biggest icons in the British LGBT community area from their day. 


Kylie always came second place to Madonna's icy queen status of the GAYS. But they knew one day the prozac to the gays would finally get her Moment to shine. 


William baker on instagram shared this to instagram. 


"Thank you instagram for doing what was so needed. Showing the real hero and the wicked stepmother all Along"


Congrats, Kylie

Kylie herself has been aware of her LGBT audience, by seeing a drag show in 1987 in Melbourne during the official pride there Mardi gras. 


"While I didn't come from anything tragic or tragic upbringings, Only thing that was tragic in a sense was my hair and the outfits I wore in the 80s.

But, yeah I didn't have the lost the mother, can't find someone to love me type tragic beginning at all. I've had more triumphs, maybe the rules of being a gay icon should be changed to a celebration of triumph over tragedy, than triumph into tragedy"

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