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Pandemic Life Update: What is it like where you live?

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I can see us all kinda adapting the same procedures of the east's mask wearing culture for awhile tbh.
Like i think it will be a thing that we have to do with cold/flus as well (same as JPN/South Korea)

The Covid has scared people and i think mentally and emotionally it will take time for people to mend, especially with numbers spiking across the world. I even think some people will still be panicked after we have vaccinations

BUT it did create one of my favourite memes now!

Cardi B Coronavirus GIF - CardiB Coronavirus GIFs

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4 hours ago, Cinderella85 said:

In Germany, it is worse like it was back in March/April. People hoarding toilet paper, pasta, cans, soap so it is counted how many you are allowed to buy. I usually go once a month to buy groceries. This will be impossible right now. I hate it how people look into your shopping basket. To control what you buy and that you don´t buy too much. I have to go every day to get food now. What makes this for sense when they say you should be mostly at home? Then, when the neighbors think you have a party with too many guests and they call the police ( what they should do, take care of what your neighbors do, they say to people during Media). The police can come to your house even without a warrant. I know, there are countries that hit it really hard like Australia and Italy. And we are lucky here. But my nerves are done. All these rules and when you don´t can implement them immediately because it is too much for you at the moment, and the rules change a lot and are different everywhere people are mad and furious at you. Last year was the second-worst of my life. Now, this on top. I´m done. I don´t have any reserve anymore. But yeah, I need to think positive.:pensiveney_britney_praying_ftr_for_the_record_2008_circus_vmas_thinking:

We can do it! Just stay positive and don't get into it too much, because it drives you insane! I know sometimes it feels like you are powerless. 

What i really don't like when people call you out, like hello? Mind your own business! I am so sick of this behaviour.

Stay strong! :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support:


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On 10/12/2020 at 1:57 PM, Stefani said:

We're supposed to wear masks when we enter stores and stuff, but I've seen a lot of people who don't. Frankly I think it's bull**** that we still have to wear masks and "social distance" when the  worst of the virus is clearly behind us. The whole thing was overblown to begin with, and the amount of inconvenience that we've had to put up with is ridiculous. 

this was overblown yet 1.1 million people are dead

we are past the worse yet cases in the us and other countries are rising

the flu season will probably cause a high second wave

but yea such an inconvienence to wear a mask

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