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Why I Stand By Britney


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Many people will say it is too exaggerated, some will laugh, but I need to put it out there into the world, and with slim hope that Britney may see it one day, I want her to know and understand what truly she means to me. My heart is raising, and I'm scared, but I feel like I need to get this off my chest.
I was born in a small country that most of you don't know, in the city that no one cares for. At the age of 12 me and my parents moved across the sea, to the country that we never heard of, with the language none of us speaks on. Before the move, back then, the internet wasn't a thing, and if you had a computer that meant you were wealthy. So following your favorite artist was harder. Magazine cut outs that were collected and traded between friends, getting for bday pirated music tapes (coz there was no official in my town) and vcr with recorded music channel videos, this was the best we can do in our mind to support. Glamorous lives were fiction stories that we saw on tv, going to concerts hah, well, there was no concert in my town. So for me, a 6 year old, Britney was a Princess, a Barbie doll that came alive. She wasn't human, she was so much more. She was perfect. She was from a different planet, something out of my imagination,  not real. I knew no English whatsoever, and I had no clue what she sang about, I made up my own stories in her songs. Stronger was and is a masterpiece for me, then because it was an absolutely stunning video, now because the song is powerful. I had a tape with Crossroads and a Vegas show, and this was my most prized possessions. I would rewatch them on a weekly basis.
2005 came and my world was thrown upside down. We moved, I knew nothing and no one around me, I had to go to school with absolutely no language. This was a nightmare. Daily breakdowns and crying myself to sleep was my new way of surviving. The only familiar thing that stayed where her music, her videos and cut-out pictures. She became my imaginary friend, my security blanket. Yet I didn't know that while I had my meltdown, she had one on her own.
Sometime later, around 2007, we got a PC and internet. And yet again, my world was torn apart. The outside world turned against one thing that was holding my world. To hate Britney became a fashion, my classmates were laughing at me for supporting her, calling her mad, insane, ***** and other names, I'm sure we all know them. Me being already an outsider, became outside on the whole new level. I couldn't understand, how is it normal to laugh at someone crying, how is it ok to have 20 men chasing and screaming at a scared woman in the middle of the night. How no one stopped for a second and thought about that, today this would be harassment, but then it was normal.... I guess. Who would actually be ok after that?! My Idol was torn apart by the world and there's nothing I could have done to stop it. So the only thing I could do, is to not let the world influence my view on Britney. She still was my world, just now she was closed off in my heart, away from the world that could destroy her. That was my way of saving her, at least in my life. Not the best in any means, but I couldn't do any better.
I've stopped following anything in the press or online about Britney, I didn't want to open that pandora box. But in 2009...The poster was up on the streets. She was coming to town. She was coming to my town...What? How? I couldn't believe it. I sheepishly asked my parents if I can go. The price was a bit high for us, but they got me a ticket. Ticket to see a person that only existed on TV, in my head, but she exists in real life?!
July 2009, the circus starring; Britney Spears... I was amazed. I didn't scream, I didn't cry, I didn't sing along. I just sat there, watching. She is real. She is right there. We are in the same ****** building. I won't describe that night coz I can't, there's no words in the world to explain the feelings that I had. All I knew, I'll stand by her until I die. If she only knew how much I believe in her.  Don't care who said what, I didn't care what she'll do.
Every CD, every perfume I bought since then is cherished and displayed proudly till this day. I've seen her live 2 more times, Famme Fatale and Piece of me tour.  No I never brought meet and greet, just because I don't know what to tell her, how to explain what she means to me. How to explain that, to me, the person she never met, she is very important, very special and close. I'd sound like a completely obsessed, crazy girl.
Now I'm all grown up, and don't take press and haters as close to heart as I used to. I closed my eyes on many things that people criticized about her. Her look, her hair, her weight,  her lipsing. I didn't care what others think. I always found something I did liked in her and I sticked with that. I still do that. My music taste changed and I don't listen to pop as much, yet she is still my number one.
Yet, I always was fascinated by how selfish the majority of people are. Time changes and many saying now  "she's been such an inspiration to me. I love her so much" and go on their way without thinking of how she was treated, by everyone back then. What freebritney doing now is making people stop and think about it. She isn't a forgotten starlet, one hit wonder, she changed the music industry, made history,  yet everyone forgot under what conditions she lived, how she was struggling to survive . Nowadays,  everyone fast to support the star who admitted to have mental illness and forgive ex **** addicts. Applauding them for bravery to admit it. Yet Britney still held under her "meltdown". She was a young mother with the whole world telling her how she should behave, criticizing her every move, with a cheating husband who didn't care about her or kids. Maybe she had postpartum depression. Who knows. She was falling to pieces and the world was there with popcorn watching.
I feel guilty that I haven't joined the fight sooner, though I had my own to win first. But here I am. I am not afraid anymore to stand up and say in loud to anyone. I AM STANDING BY BRITNEY. I AM SUPPORTING BRITNEY.
She, unknowingly helped me get through the hardest time in my life, now, it's my turn to help her, even if she'll never know.
I'd love to hear your story, about artist that means a lot to you.
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Your story made my heart melt. I feel you. There is a proverb in my country: one hand washes the other and together they wash the face. She knows how much we want to help her, she just doesn't know us personally. You will help, she or he will help, we will help, we are a big voice. In our hard time she stood by us now it’s time to return the favor. We’re her voice and WE WILL #FREEBRITNEY!! 

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It's so nice hearing how much she's positively impacted your life :otears_oprah_crying_tissue_napkin_tears_sobbing_sad: 

Don't feel guilty! Us fans have united and are fighting for her freedom and we've already helped a lot and we continue to spread more and more awareness :wigsnatched_point_you_wow_yes_yas: I hope she's seeing how much we love and appreciate her (which i'm sure she's either seen or heard about).


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