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WHAT? Britney's brother Bryan just gave an interview about #FreeBritney: watch

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So after watching it completely, the host knows **** and his staff and their questions are worst than Britney and whichever fan questions she answers. Anyway I think he did manage to get around some of the harder questions well, he does say she wants the conservatorship to end without saying it. Something like wouldn't anyone or wouldn't you. I think he also doesn't know a lot about the behind the scenes anymore and that I think Jodi and her team are just trying to steal the entire family's wealth through Britney. To me he came off like a true big brother he clearly cares for her and I think he did this to try and help the situation. Idk why they can't just tell us what is really going on but I'm guessing anything he says could negatively impact her and the situation if they use it in court. We don't know these people but from it always seems it seems like they are simply people. Its hard for me to believe they don't care for their sister or daughter.

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3 hours ago, julianafac said:

Vc é do brasil né migo?

nossa, cê falou tudo. 
O jeito dele falando.. como se ela fosse uma mãe qualquer.

tanta coisa que essa mulher passou.. pra isso? 
e porra, logo o jayden? Sempre achei ele o cuspe da britney, o jeito, aparência, todo tímido, quieto. 

enfim.. espero estar errada. Mas parece que Todo mundo tem “inveja” dela e tentam desmerecer ela. 
Nao deve ser fácil viver na sombra da outra pessoa, mas porra, isso aí nem é culpa dela. E ela com ctza é um amor, nao fica esfregando isso na cara das pessoas. O povo é que se sente ofendido pelo sucesso dela. O próprio kevin foi dar entrevista e ficou putinho de só ter que falar sobre a britney.

cê achou o que meu amor, que alguém quer saber das suas mixtapes? Me poupe.



Sou sim! Eu também fiquei chocada, ele falando como se ela só servisse pq tem grana. Eu espero que o estrago que Kevin fez não seja irreparável. Aquele fdp preguiçoso que só tem uma vida confortável por causa dela! Que com ctza deve usar o dinheiro que seria somente para Jayden e Preston, para bancar sua vida, sua mulher e seus outros filhos. Pior que mesmo depois que ele não receba mais dinheiro dela, ele vai ficar chorando pros filhos e eles vão dar da mesada deles para ele, já posso até ver. Britney nunca vai estar realmente livre desse parasita. E Britney tem um 'trust' que é para eles né, já vejo Kevin fazendo de tudo para botar a mão também.  

Também acho. pqp, Britney não parece ter tido sorte nem com os filhos! Os meninos parecem ser mais apegados a Kevin. Queria saber que karma é esse na vida dela. Tudo que ela deve ter aguentado de Jamie e da equipe para ver esses guris e agora o outro lá mais preocupado com seguidores e endeusando o pai é de lascar. 

Eu tinha a impressão que ele era mais apegado a ela mesmo, não sei o que aconteceu. Acho q mudou depois de 2018 quando ela passou a ficar menos com eles. Mas sim, eu o acho bem parecido com ela e Preston é a cara do pai. 

Eu também sinto isso!!! Que ela atrai muito inveja. Acho q o pai dela ressente pq nunca se deram bem e ele sempre foi um fracassado. Não acho q eles têm orgulho dela, agem como se tivessem direito ao império dela. Bryan agora também parece recalcado, quer desmerecer Britney como pessoa e age como se tudo que ela conquistou fosse deles também, como se eles fossem os artistas, eles que trabalharam e se tornaram famosos. O que foi ele falando "nossos fãs"? Até isso acham q é deles também. Sempre achei q Jamie Lynn parece invejosa. Lynne acho q se realizou através dela. Tem histórias que ela queria ser cantora e ela toca piano, bem stage mom. Acho q Lynne tem orgulho do que Britney conquistou, mas JL parece a filha preferida. Eles são muito ingratos pq se não fosse por Britney eles ainda seriam pobres. Ela sempre foi boa com eles e é assim que eles retribuem? Ninguém luta por ela, pô. O que ela fez para merecer uma família assim? 

Ah sim, Kevin sempre se dói quando só ficam perguntando sobre ela. Ele acha que ele vai dar entrevista e vão querer saber sobre o que? Ele ficou famoso por causa dela!!! Lembro de uma q ele tentou falar da mulher dele e ninguém ligou, perguntou nada. Eu sinto que a mulher dele também não gosta dela e tem inveja, a mesma coisa com o filho mais velho dele. 

Também acho q Britney deve ser bem legal, essa galera que é frustrada e fracassados aí projetam suas inseguranças nela. Na verdade acho q muitos se sentem melhores consigo mesmos sabendo q ela pode ser rica, mega famosa e bem sucedida, porém não tem a guarda dos filhos nem controle sobre a própria vida. 

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6 hours ago, Bundy said:

Not only that bank comment, but other things as well. He praised Ktrash as a dad when no one was even asking him about him in the first place but he called that pos Jesus. He also praised Lynne. Then he is asked about being the son of a legend and his answer? "Its not what you would expect". He didnt say one thing praising her as a mother even tho he as asked about. He said she was pretty legendary as an artist and thats it. 

Then the fact he said hed expose her dirty laundry If he got 5k followers. Some people were trying to say he wanted to help Britney, but why didnt he say whatever he wanted to say right away? When he had the chance? He asked for followers!!! And said he needed his YouTube channel to get big. He was asked about FreeBritney and said "idk". Then he was asked about her being controlled and said "nah, idk". I know hes a kid and Britney probably doesnt want to bother him with her issues, but he didnt seem much concerned either. Another thing is when he imitated her twice about her music and anime. I felt like It seemed he doesnt even respect her. He didnt imitate Kevin, why is that? 

Someone here long time ago said they thought the boys saw her as a colleague, not as a parent. After that livestream it made me wonder. I didnt feel much love coming from him, that shocked me bc we all thought he was closer to her than Preston. 

The last thing is when he said he would only see Britney in two weeks like it was no biggie and hes used to only seeing her a few times a month. I dont want him to be sad, by I didnt feel like he misses her or smt. 

I wont bash him ofc, hes a kid, but I feel like the fact Britney is under a cship and is probably treated like a child by everyone around him had smt to do with that. She also doesnt have their custody and maybe feels guilty about that so she tries to compensate and adulate them (there were those 2 instagram videos where Preston didnt seem to respect her much either). There is also the fact they live with Ktrash and he doesnt seem to respect and care for her. I even wonder if he and his shady wife already talked **** about Britney in front of them. I think they are influenced by him. And Jaydens comment about the money she makes made me wonder why a rich 14 years old is already worried about money? Does Ktrash talk about money in front of them? Did he ever hear Ktrash treating her like a cash cow? Does he know everything at Ktrashs house is also sponsored by Britney? Does he know Kevin uses Britney for money? 

If Britney was my mom Id be so proud. She is from a small rural city in the middle of nowhere and managed to become one of the biggest stars in the world. His dad is just a joke. Btw someone asked him if he listens to his dad's music probably mocking Ktrash and he answered he listens like hes not ashamed of admitting lol 

I feel like Ktrash is just lazy and they can do whatever they can. Kevin was downstairs when the livestream happened and I dont think he had a clue on what those boys could be doing online. I had the same impression when I looked Prestons instagram back in the day and saw some pages and hashtags he followed. They also have their sisters there and Britney is always alone with securities. 

I feel so sorry for Britney bc I bet she put up with so much **** from her dad and team just to see them more, to travel with them. She gave up so much of her life, I thought they would be so close but even that they have stolen from her. I wonder if she felt sad knowing what Jayden said on the livestream. I dreamed that these boys would be closer to her and would help her, that they would be those super protector sons. I hope they dont see Ktrashs wife more of a mom than Britney. That would break her heart. And I really hope one day she will be free and will meet a great guy, have a stable relationship, that she will have a daughter and be the full time mom she couldnt be to them. 

Yeah, its really sad that everyone uses her and thats why I was pretty sad for her bc it seemed like even her sons now also see her as a cash cow. She didnt deserve this. She cant trust no one, that must be really sad to deal. 

I also dont trust Sam and it feels like everyone wants her money and wants to use her for clout. She didnt deserve this. She deserved so much better and we can only dream and hope one day she will be happy, living her life on her own terms and being around the people she wants.

I had forgotten a lot of it, ugh your recap just made me so sad all over again :( it's not surprising the kids might have this kind of attitude if they've seen Britney treated like this nearly all her life - fk it's so heartbreaking. She legit deserves the fkn world and this ends up being her reality? My heart breaks so much thinking about it :wontcry:

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11 hours ago, Slave4Brit88 said:

I had forgotten a lot of it, ugh your recap just made me so sad all over again :( it's not surprising the kids might have this kind of attitude if they've seen Britney treated like this nearly all her life - fk it's so heartbreaking. She legit deserves the fkn world and this ends up being her reality? My heart breaks so much thinking about it :wontcry:

Im sorry for making u sad, it wasnt my intention, but sadly this is what seems to be anyway. Yeah, sadly Britney has been treated like that not only by Ktrash, but also by her own damn family. So I wont blame them, I just hope they grow and start thinking for themselves, not letting being so influenced by Ktrash or whatever. I hope she finally has her happy ending bc her story is really sad and unfair. She deserves so much better and I hope one day she will be really happy and living her life as she wants. 

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Britney entire career was to benefit her family . Britney doesn’t know more than providing for others .... I don’t think she got into the business for herself but to help her family. She couldn’t say no to anyone and kept saying yes yes yes and no one cared about her happiness. It’s obvious throughout her career she tried as much to share the spotlight and fame with whoever ... be it .. random friends from childhood, backup dancers, back up singers etc etc . She wanted to bring fame and fortune to all of kentwood. She said she married Kevin because he was simple and she got to see her world through his eyes .... she just wants to make people happy . Sadly she did that for everyone including her fans and no one ever cared about her ... I think even bringing Tinashe on slumber party or promoting Sam. She just wants to help others benefit from her ... because I sincerely believe nothing really makes her happy except making others happy . Sad she sold her soul to Disney at such a young age. I also feel if she was true to herself, her fans would turn on her, this is not a woke celebrity ... she say non pc things cause she’s surrounded by trump rural undereducated peopel

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The key things for me r:

1. Britney wants to get away from cship for quiet some time

2. Her family is not really fully agree with that from that we heard from Brian about reservations and stuff probably just the first thing came in his mind. Doubt he is so dumb to really think Britneys being out means she can't hire ppl to help her. Probably mixture of things with Britney having some kind of emotional mental thing and also things ,bussiness they did/do while she is under cship. They might be scared she will tell smth or even sue her father. 

3. Britney is being under cship only needed back then now it is not necessary and she probably tries to negotiate with her family so they give her more freedom. Britney knows dad is not some1 she can negotiate with so she tries to win her mother. Probably this is why Lynne started being more present. Cause she knows Jamie is abusing his power. 

The main thing that is bothering me is that they say she is incompetent and treat her for some mental ilness yet she is the only provider for the WHOLE Spears clan. So please note that and note the fact that judge is also aware. of it. They r all in this plus tristar.

So probably only way for Britney to get out is to negotiate deal with all of her family and maybe some other ppl like lou about HER (Brian said their fans/so they think  their money too) money and about things she'll stay mum that might be illegal.

That hurts me a lot that they r a family and she is his sibling and he knows that cship now is not needed yet Britney is been under it for 12 years and no1 ever did nothing to HELP her to get out. I remember she was about to stop financially providing them be4 all those things happened and they put her in a cship so Jamie can get his big checks for being a FATHER.

I wonder how Britney is still functioning then her family had been so incredibly unfair to her.


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11 hours ago, Bundy said:

Not only that bank comment, but other things as well. He praised Ktrash as a dad when no one was even asking him about him in the first place but he called that pos Jesus. He also praised Lynne. Then he is asked about being the son of a legend and his answer? "Its not what you would expect". He didnt say one thing praising her as a mother even tho he as asked about. He said she was pretty legendary as an artist and thats it. 

Then the fact he said hed expose her dirty laundry If he got 5k followers. Some people were trying to say he wanted to help Britney, but why didnt he say whatever he wanted to say right away? When he had the chance? He asked for followers!!! And said he needed his YouTube channel to get big. He was asked about FreeBritney and said "idk". Then he was asked about her being controlled and said "nah, idk". I know hes a kid and Britney probably doesnt want to bother him with her issues, but he didnt seem much concerned either. Another thing is when he imitated her twice about her music and anime. I felt like It seemed he doesnt even respect her. He didnt imitate Kevin, why is that? 

Someone here long time ago said they thought the boys saw her as a colleague, not as a parent. After that livestream it made me wonder. I didnt feel much love coming from him, that shocked me bc we all thought he was closer to her than Preston. 

The last thing is when he said he would only see Britney in two weeks like it was no biggie and hes used to only seeing her a few times a month. I dont want him to be sad, by I didnt feel like he misses her or smt. 

I wont bash him ofc, hes a kid, but I feel like the fact Britney is under a cship and is probably treated like a child by everyone around him had smt to do with that. She also doesnt have their custody and maybe feels guilty about that so she tries to compensate and adulate them (there were those 2 instagram videos where Preston didnt seem to respect her much either). There is also the fact they live with Ktrash and he doesnt seem to respect and care for her. I even wonder if he and his shady wife already talked **** about Britney in front of them. I think they are influenced by him. And Jaydens comment about the money she makes made me wonder why a rich 14 years old is already worried about money? Does Ktrash talk about money in front of them? Did he ever hear Ktrash treating her like a cash cow? Does he know everything at Ktrashs house is also sponsored by Britney? Does he know Kevin uses Britney for money? 

If Britney was my mom Id be so proud. She is from a small rural city in the middle of nowhere and managed to become one of the biggest stars in the world. His dad is just a joke. Btw someone asked him if he listens to his dad's music probably mocking Ktrash and he answered he listens like hes not ashamed of admitting lol 

I feel like Ktrash is just lazy and they can do whatever they can. Kevin was downstairs when the livestream happened and I dont think he had a clue on what those boys could be doing online. I had the same impression when I looked Prestons instagram back in the day and saw some pages and hashtags he followed. They also have their sisters there and Britney is always alone with securities. 

I feel so sorry for Britney bc I bet she put up with so much **** from her dad and team just to see them more, to travel with them. She gave up so much of her life, I thought they would be so close but even that they have stolen from her. I wonder if she felt sad knowing what Jayden said on the livestream. I dreamed that these boys would be closer to her and would help her, that they would be those super protector sons. I hope they dont see Ktrashs wife more of a mom than Britney. That would break her heart. And I really hope one day she will be free and will meet a great guy, have a stable relationship, that she will have a daughter and be the full time mom she couldnt be to them. 

Yeah, its really sad that everyone uses her and thats why I was pretty sad for her bc it seemed like even her sons now also see her as a cash cow. She didnt deserve this. She cant trust no one, that must be really sad to deal. 

I also dont trust Sam and it feels like everyone wants her money and wants to use her for clout. She didnt deserve this. She deserved so much better and we can only dream and hope one day she will be happy, living her life on her own terms and being around the people she wants.

At the end of the day, this cship has damaged her boys just as much as it has her, the longer it’s gone on. They were pretty much forced out of her life when they were only toddlers, they’ve spent majority of their life with Kevin, is it really a surprise they’d be closer to him?? I just pray to god him and his wife (she seems like a real C U Next Tuesday) aren’t talking **** about Brit anywhere near those boys or their other kids!!

Add in the fact she can’t do anything freely on her own, she had to go to a court in order to bring them on tour instead of just being able to bring them, those trips to Disney Land, the skate park and anywhere else they go, she’s gotta ask permission instead of just getting in her car and going with them, that’s gotta be a very weird way of life for two kids who don’t have to deal with that when with Kevin.

Add in the fact, they’re teens now and what teen doesn’t act like a snotty little a-shole, lol, not to mention the brain isn’t fully developed until the age of 25, I think fans shouldn’t be so hard on them cuz like I said, this cship has been just as damaging to them.

Now the actual full grown adults, they have no f-cking excuse, they deserve the hate!!
What’s also horribly sad is that in your mid 30’s is when it starts getting harder for a woman to get pregnant, so she may never have another kid and get to experience what it’s like to raise a kid normally, this thing has robbed her of that as well.

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7 hours ago, Bundy said:

Im sorry for making u sad, it wasnt my intention, but sadly this is what seems to be anyway. Yeah, sadly Britney has been treated like that not only by Ktrash, but also by her own damn family. So I wont blame them, I just hope they grow and start thinking for themselves, not letting being so influenced by Ktrash or whatever. I hope she finally has her happing ending bc her story is really sad and unfair. She deserves so much better and I hope one day she will be really happy and living her life as she wants. 

It's ok, i'd just forgotten a lot of it, so heart breaking. Like you said I really, reallllly hope K-Fed and wife aren't trashing Brit to them omg :wontcry:

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6 hours ago, zenden said:

2. Her family is not really fully agree with that from that we heard from Brian about reservations and stuff probably just the first thing came in his mind. Doubt he is so dumb to really think Britneys being out means she can't hire ppl to help her. Probably mixture of things with Britney having some kind of emotional mental thing and also things ,bussiness they did/do while she is under cship. They might be scared she will tell smth or even sue her father. 

I think that was his way of telling us that there's no major mystery illness we don't know about. Because making reservations and not driving aren't really debilitating problems. It's pop star problems.

I mean, driving could be, but if she always was the worst driver and that's the worst thing he could've thought of mentioning... :jl:

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19 minutes ago, Applejack said:

I think that was his way of telling us that there's no major mystery illness we don't know about. Because making reservations and not driving aren't really debilitating problems. It's pop star problems.

I mean, driving could be, but if she always was the worst driver and that's the worst thing he could've thought of mentioning... :jl:


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I hate to focus only on money but to me that showed things didn’t make total sense. 

An artist doesn’t get $60 million from 10 to 12 million albums sold from the record company. 

Maybe from many things combined....

BUT my biggest confusion...if the perfume brand has brought in 100 billion....even if Britney only earned 1% with her Ownership as he claimed....how is Britney’s net worth less than 100 million. That does not add up at all. 

Just my two cents...

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