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Remembering Fergie's performance of the national anthem

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I don't get why people laughed at her. I mean, okay maybe she wasn't enough ready and also she wasn't satisfacted about this performance, but we have to be honnest, she had a strong voice and a good control on her voice. :brityes:

We have to understand that no one is perfect, Britney failed her 2007 VMA too but it wasn't that horrible at all, so Fergie did an awesome job too.

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23 minutes ago, princessmimi said:

LMAO how can anyone not remember this?

It was basically career suicide :hahaha:

Well, it's maybe a failed performance but I don't get why there are all those hates toward Fergie tbh. It's not a career suicide at all. Everyone said exactly that's a career suicide (RIP 1998-2007, Trully Forgettable performance etc. - Not my words but that was on TV news) for the Britney's failed VMA 2007, but Britney proved that she is stronger with Circus and did it! So why not Fergie? She just want to take care about her son, which is normal, so that's why she don't sing anymore. Black Eyed Peas even said that Fergie can come back at anytime.

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