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I need help (Piece of Me related)


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I know there's not a lot of people here with the exact knowledge of every single "Britney: Piece of Me" date, but I just can't find the day where she wore this head piece for the first act of the show.

On agencies, it says it was March 4th, 2015, yet when I check videos on YouTube from that date, she doesn't have that head piece there... I'm struggling with this since I would like to put them where they belong, anybody has an idea of the date when this happened?



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I have some compilations for every act of the Residency (excluding the 2018 tour) with pictures of almost every date.

Edit: She wore the head piece in 2014: August 31, September 3, September 5, September 6, September 10. She wore it later in October 3 and 4, but she had cut her hair by then.


the image probably won't embed but you can see it here: https://www.deviantart.com/pokemonspears/art/Britney-Piece-of-Me-Opening-730515835

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/7/2020 at 12:28 AM, PokemonSpears said:

I have some compilations for every act of the Residency (excluding the 2018 tour) with pictures of almost every date.

Edit: She wore the head piece in 2014: August 31, September 3, September 5, September 6, September 10. She wore it later in October 3 and 4, but she had cut her hair by then.


the image probably won't embed but you can see it here: https://www.deviantart.com/pokemonspears/art/Britney-Piece-of-Me-Opening-730515835

sorry to bump this thread, but I didn't see the reply before. Thank you so much! 

And wow, i'll definitely save this pic

Edit: it's not August 31 cuz her hair was straight, same with September 6 and 10. So, it's either September 5 or September 3.

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