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Britney's change in style


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Why does Britney now wears glittery girly outfits and high heals? her style used to be much different. She also cant dance as good with high heals. The only time she had her old style is at the Kenzo commercial.

And why cant she have good hair even after she goes to the salon and put effort in it?


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honestly I think it all comes down to her struggling to accept she's not 21 anymore. add in the fact her appearance has been a pretty important factor in her career its almost as if being **** is all she really knows. its so weird cuz in 2013-15 she seemed to accept getting older and was in fact embracing it (and looked amazing while doing so) but now its like she's done a 360.

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36 minutes ago, SkinnyAsANeedle said:

I can’t believe you tell me my topics are stupid and then you make a topic insulting the queen’s hair and style, but I will ignore that because I’m a bigger person, I am kind and gracious and you are rude and nasty,  calling the queens hair and style ugly. How DARE you :badthoughts:

You said you will ignore it because you are the bigger person and you are kind and gracious, BUT you did not ignore it :cardi:

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1 hour ago, Shadow. said:

honestly I think it all comes down to her struggling to accept she's not 21 anymore. add in the fact her appearance has been a pretty important factor in her career its almost as if being **** is all she really knows. its so weird cuz in 2013-15 she seemed to accept getting older and was in fact embracing it (and looked amazing while doing so) but now its like she's done a 360.

Ever since she started dating Sam she put on some weird childish persona which makes her look like a soccermom trying to be hip and young. She has a new persona everytime she has a new boyfriend based on the person she dates tbh. 

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I haven't been impressed with a majority of her costumes or personal wear for a long time tbh. A good look here and there, but that's it. Her personality has changed a lot I think with whatever psych meds they have her on these days, and I think it's affected her sense of style. :(

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