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Sorry didn’t mean to start a riot. :britoverit:

Britney is a gorgeous lady, I just wish she would celebrate her natural beauty and stop with the unnecessary procedures. Take care of her health - stop smoking and tanning - eat well, exercise, and she’ll be fabulous. 

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13 hours ago, Scrappy said:

That’s awesome.  Now if only they could reverse the nose job. That pointed mess just doesn’t do her face any favours 

2 hours ago, DayvinDazone said:


Now if only her nose went back to like it was before. I'm fine with her getting surgery to make it smaller but she went from Britney to Michael Jackson.

Doubt they could reconstruct it to look exactly like it did, but if they could reverse the downward slope of the profile and restore some of the roundness of the tip, it would do wonders for her face overall. Her nose does resemble MJ's from certain angles unfortunately.Image result for britney spears once upon a time red carpet

Honestly, I want Britney to stay AWAY from any plastic surgeon until she's had time to sort out her mental health issues. Going to a plastic surgeon whilst in this state of mind led us to the current situation to begin with.

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The tip of the nose is kind of weird. 

It makes it look not straight and more like a "hook"-kinda-nose. Swipe on the picture to see the difference. 

1 is edited. 2 is real. 

Her side profile used to show a very straight nose. I think because the surgeon made it thinner the tip dropped kinda. Idk. It's weird because I doubt Britney wanted that result. 

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