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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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3 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:

Yep, he really doesn’t get enough credit for this. He was only 21 and Britney was the most powerful popstar in the world at the time. People used to always make fun of that E Interview where he talks about the lawsuit Jamie threatened him with if he didn’t stop expressing his constitutionally given right to freedom of speech. In reality, Jordan showed a lot of courage. I mean, at least he tried


And it's sad to realize all of that, so late!

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3 minutes ago, breatheheavy said:

Appreciate this :wontcry:

And it permanently put me in a weird position with her team from then on, something I wanted to and tried changing for many years and to no avail. 

At least you’re on the right side of history. :mhm:  The extent of the corruption will eventually be revealed, even if it takes far longer than seems fair. 

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If I didn’t live in Chicago I would but make sure you post on social media and any platform (hell, even Grindr if you must) and get as many fans there as possible. It would be great to see a lot of love and support from the fan community. And even if it doesn’t go Britney’s/our way it’ll show her team that we’re paying attention and that we’re not going to go gently into that good night without a fight!

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2 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

Cut Jordan some slack. Britney herself had to make amends with her team (including Larry whom she fired multiple times and her father whom she was vehemently against being her conservator, plus all the Lou drama, etc.), and there's a reason Lynne, Jansen, and Felicia are following and/or liking #freebritney posts, but can't actually speak out.

Wouldn't workplace retaliation laws cover them in that case, though?  If someone doesn't like what you say about them and it then causes them to retaliate against you in the work place, that is retaliation.  Freedom of speech is guaranteed so as long as you are stating your opinion then you should be covered.  There need to be more whistleblowers to get this all sorted.   Retaliation is ILLEGAL.


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5 minutes ago, lilhennythings said:

@Meaner03 - can you delineate the connection between Calvary chapels and Mercy Ministries? I am googling but can't bring up anything on Mercy Ministries perhaps because I am dumb. Much appreciated, I'd like to get this out to Teen Vogue tonight :badgirl:

Calvary Chapels are Mercy Ministries churches :







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3 minutes ago, Applejack said:

Beauty, ty. 


3 minutes ago, Nels64 said:

Henny shoot for the stars. You’re forgetting Seventeen and Teen Magazine tbh. 

Yo man, idk if yr being sarcastic but if anyone would pick this up I think it'd be Teen Vogue. The past two years they've been hardcore hitting the feminist / social justice angle. 

I just don't know if I want to try and pitch it to them just w the angle of "members of Brit's MGMT and conservatorship donating to extreme anti-LGBT causes" or include more #freebritney details in it. Also there's this 



which is hard to explain without going into the #freebritney madness and thats just ... a lot to go into for a tip off to an editor. 

Any input appreciated :hiii:


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1 minute ago, really really cool guy said:

Absolute Britney's owner is bad at writting :orangu:

But he has a point. Maybe her team really wants to keep fans away from Britney to avoid conversations like: "what happened to Original Doll" or even worse "why are you still under the conservatorship". They don't want fans to talk to her about the c-ship or anything related to that.


I’m guessing they hope she gets Stockholm syndrome eventually  


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