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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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1 hour ago, Yoongi said:

Let me just say that I think we have a big headline here with the discover of Loucifer and Wallets donations to anti-lgbt organizations.

I can see Buzzfeed Investigations publishing a piece about how LGBT peoples money is funding a homophobic church. If we could write an e-mail about it, with all the proofs, and send to them (tips@buzzfeed.com), maybe we can grab their attention... Just a though...

Agree. We need to make that public on twitter, ig, everywhere. Brit's fanbase is full of LGBT people and her team, even with her money, is supporting an homophobic church. It's BIG and we have the receipts :well:  

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4 minutes ago, lilhennythings said:

Not to keep hammering the Courtney Love connection, but Trope & Trope also represented her in her custody battle iirc.

In fact, I'd love to hear CLs thoughts on this. That Weinstein video and just her disaualifying of Reva Goetz as well as Lou Taylor trying to weasel her way into CLs own custody battle w a constervatorship and her comments on Britney. I really want to know her thoughts. She never responded on insta to me lol. Can someone tweet her?

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3 minutes ago, Pfefferminz said:

Here is an interesting article that I would love to post in full but since I live outside the states the website appears in one big potpourri. 

@Applejack @Meaner03  

It Pays To Be In Charge Of Britney Spears' Money! Conservator To Rake In Nearly $500K This Year


Yup ! you also  have this one :



Where Britney's team ask to  "Just Take Out A $6 Million Loan" from her estate , of course documents that would explain WHY ? were sealed . I mean it's only 6 f**king millions dollars...

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33 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:


But I really hope she’s actually gotten to see her boys; they’re clearly extremely attached to her but also old enough to have complete awareness of their mother's sudden lengthy disappearance, as well as all of the contradictory information they’re undoubtedly receiving both from within their own inner circle and all over social media. Poor kids. 

Oh, it makes sense, in a ****** up, grand scheme that (always) includes $$$ signs.

She has. Though they've appeared to lie about Lynne's location (they claim she's with Britney, but she's actually in Louisiana for Ivey's Christening right now, I believe?), they are right about her seeing the boys. I thought it was just one day, but I was wrong; it was two days.

But right? I said it yesterday in the mega thread, but that's been on my mind. They're not babies anymore. What do they tell them? I don't think I really want to know. Yeah, I feel for them.

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8 minutes ago, lilhennythings said:

I'll draft a press release for buzzfeed TN and share w yall to edit :bedtime:

in case a direct link to this f**king association is needed here it is :


 to help you find wallet as a donor quickly tape ctrl + fr and his name inside the search bar .


If you read the website you might want to vomit, i am at least warning you .

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The powers that Jamie Spears and Wallet currently have as co-conservators have also been slightly extended, according to court-information director Allan Parachini.

Well...it’s been over a decade. I think it’s safe to say this Parachini character made the understatement of the ******* century.  :surething:

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19 minutes ago, Nels64 said:

This needs to be exposed as ****. This would destroy them completely. 

I can't believe it hasn't caught on yet, but I suspect its because the first known source we discovered it from is Sam. (The bad one. Well, Idk about the other, but I'm... giving him the benefit of the doubt, for now.) But like?? We should be LIVID about this, if this is about our money going into that ****?

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4 hours ago, femmefataledoll said:

She fired him in 2004 because her and Kevin wanted to run her career (she said this in a letter online to us, I'll try and find it). Then she rehired him when she announced the divorce but got sick of how stage managed he wanted it all to be to reform her image, so she fired him again in early 2007

@Steel Magnolia posted the letter above but I thought I'd share this Tumblr page where you can find all (?) Britney's letters: https://britslettersoftruth.tumblr.com/

Jamie Spears says his daughter's ex-manager saved her life by convincing her to go to rehab

April 20, 2007

Britney Spears’s father has publicly criticized his daughter, saying she blames her family and her manager for problems that are her own fault.

In an e-mail to the New York Post’Page Six column, Jamie Spears defends Britney’s former manager, Larry Rudolph, whom she reportedly fired April 13.

“When Larry Rudolph talked Britney into going into rehab, he was doing what her mother, father and team of professionals with over 100 years of experience knew needed to be done,” Spears writes. “She was out of control. Larry was the one chosen by the team to roll up his sleeves and deliver the message, to help save her life.

“The Spears family would like to publicly apologize to Larry for our daughter’s statements about him over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, she blames him and her family for where she is at today with her kids and career. Larry has always been there for Britney. For this, we will forever be grateful to him.”

In a recent online video posted by a Los Angeles photography agency, Spears, 25, makes an apparent reference to Rudolph. “My management totally knew what they were doing when they sent me to rehab,” she says sarcastically to the camera, giving a double thumbs up. “They were so right.”

Spears, who checked out of Promises Malibu Treatment Center in March after a month-long stay, told Page Six via her rep: “I am praying for my father. We have never had a good relationship. It’s sad that all the men that have been in my life do not know how to accept a real woman’s love. I am concentrating on my work and my life right now.”

Since her stint in rehab, the singer has been busy getting back to fighting weight and working on her new album, PEOPLE reports in its new issue.

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22 minutes ago, f**knfurter said:

Oh, it makes sense, in a ****** up, grand scheme that (always) includes $$$ signs.

She has. Though they've appeared to lie about Lynne's location (they claim she's with Britney, but she's actually in Louisiana for Ivey's Christening right now, I believe?), they are right about her seeing the boys. I thought it was just one day, but I was wrong; it was two days.

But right? I said it yesterday in the mega thread, but that's been on my mind. They're not babies anymore. What do they tell them? I don't think I really want to know. Yeah, I feel for them.

I’m very glad they have gotten to see her, at least. Three months is a really long time for kids to be away from their mother—especially when their father is some unemployed 40-year-old guy called “K-Fed” who unabashedly is one of the three followers of his own IG fan account.

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