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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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11 minutes ago, Chaoscontrol said:

Was this the ‘big’ incoming thing for the week that the other Britney Site was talking about? Because I don’t feel like it revealed anything groundbreaking. Still an interesting read though

I totally forgot about that other forum, it was too positive and vacant to me :jlostare:

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I am so angry omg. I wanted to respect Britney when she asked privacy. But I can’t handle this. 

Team B is just CRAZY!!! They are destroying Britney in every single way. They hate us her fans but they want our money, this is why we won’t buy anything until she will Be free!!! I am so tired!! I want  Britney back, she was a rebel and her songs and sound were changing, she wanted to talk about serious topics with Rebellion, Mona Lisa, Remembrance of wh I am etc 

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20 minutes ago, Chaoscontrol said:

Was this the ‘big’ incoming thing for the week that the other Britney Site was talking about? Because I don’t feel like it revealed anything groundbreaking. Still an interesting read though

lmaooo they cut ties with that site cuz they read the exposing thread here. I have proof on that


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Have you guys seen this? A now-defunct freeBritney.com website is listed on this website: Corrupt Los Angeles Superior Court Judges



Exposing the really ugly judges in America


Los Angeles Superior Court Corruption
Over 90% of Los Angeles Superior Court judges have been found to accept bribes

If you think corruption does not exist then ask yourself why there are so many victims?
The other problem is victims are ignored when they report to auhtorities.


How do the courts do it?

Delays, sealing documents, ignoring constitutional rights, perjury, abuse and crime
How does anyone profit? Legal fees, did you consider lawyers charge a minimum of $250 per hour.
Most hearings involve 2 or more lawyers all billing for time. Victims are billed to death with
hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. The judge knows every time they continue, delay or
fail to act it costs victims thousands of dollars. Remember lawyers are paid whether they win
or lose. Its not about justice, its about greed and profit. That's the game, follow the money, 
reward the lawyers who are controlled by the judge. Its been found judges are bribed paid via geneorus 
home and property loans, payments and exhanges.

Read the story below on the Corruption in Los Angeles
Richard Fine story

The root of the problem

Corrupt Judges

Aviva K. Bobb
Judge Reva Goetz
Judge Elizabeth Feffer
Judge David Yaffe
Judge Robert O'Brien
Judge Elihu Berle
Judge Carolyn B. Kuhl

Unethical Lawyers
Christopher Edward Overgaard
perjury, fraud, grand theft via legal billing and conspiracy
Philip Barbaro Jr.
Lacks ethics, covers up crime, perjury and abuse of seniors
Violet M. Boskovich
Files false police reports, influences doctors with false information
John Torrey Rogers Jr.
Unethical, Accessory to ******


PROBATE COURT: The Largest Business in the World

When Judges are in bed with those pretending to be independent
Who is Merrick J. Bobb? A lawyer that is a self proclaimed independent police watch dog
Why is a Los Angeles Superior Court judge Aviva K. Bobb involved with someone who should be impartial?
Merrick Bobb Non-profit civilian LASD watchdog with QUESTIONALBE ethics and Agendas 
Who assigned Merrick J. Bobb and how was he appointed?
Why is someone PAID by Police writing reports as to what police are doing wrong?
Merrick J. Bobb has his own conflict of interest story too 
(Bobb has a history of leaving out key information such as who was paying him
Los Angeles Times Omits significant Conflict of Interest about Merrick J. Bobb

When judge Aviva K. Bobb was re-assigned due to the death of a child
What did police do? Nothing. Police did not prosecute, yet both a senior and child are dead
What did the Los Angeles Times do about Merrick J. Bobb's undisclosed conflict(s) of interest? NOTHING
Now the same Merrick J. Bobb who has a questionable history is at work with billions spent on Homeland Security
Want to know about how Merrick J. Bobb and Aviva K. Bobb are involved

The thin Blue Line Between Straight and Narrow is thinner than one might think.
Hiring your wife or relative over the right person is were justice stops and criminal
acts and corruption start. Why are some people above the law the ones investigating wrong? 


The tools used by unethical judges and lawyers
Conservatorship and Guardianship

More information on the crimes and victims of Corruption



Guardianship Agency Costs Elderly Woman Dearly

Judge Aviva K. Bobb
Judge Reva Goetz
Judge David Yaffe
Los Angeles Times Justice Sleeps While Seniors Suffer
Free Richard Fine
Widespread Fraud in Los Angeles Courts
Forgotten Americans
Corruption of the Los Angeles Superior Court
Full Disclosure
Widespread Corruption of the Los Angeles Superior Court
Lawyer John T. Rogers J
Recall Judge Elizabeth Feffer
Expose Court Corruption

Victims in California are urged to DISQUALIFY your judge if you think they are corrupt
See this link for info how do do this 

For Fathers Less Five
Colorado Case Fixing

Story of Joseph Ludwig Ziarnik
How an Attorney Fooled a Judge and got away with it

Minnesota Case Fixing

Corruption in Pennsylvania the Larry Hohol book
Guardianship Gulag

Florida you know this court is corrupt

New York
Help Bring Gary Home

Judge Kennedy MUST Resign

Marked for Destruction
4 Justice Radio

Free Britney
Elder Abuse on the rise
NASGA Stop Guardian Abuse
Judicial Council Watcher
Widespread Corruption and Refusal by DOJ to take action
Corrupt Probate Judges
Elder Abuse Advocates
The Leslier Brodie Report
Estate of Denial
Family Law Courts
National Alliance for Court Justice
North Shore Live Coopers Corner
Marti Oakley & ther Truth Squad
Probate Sharks
Guardianship Gulag
Victims of Guardians
Abusive Guardianships
Financial Abuse of the Elderly
4 Justice Radio

Find other victims and network on FACEBOOK or to contact this site

Mickey Rooney victim of abusive conservatorship
Britney Spears victim of abusive conservatorship
Randy Quaid flees uethical estate lawyer

Please support the effort to prosecute
dishonorable judge Aviva K. Bobb
for the ****** of Lee Peters and
11 year old Jeanene Bonner
share and use the banners below
and link back to avivakbobb.com 
Does Aviva K. Bobb have ties to
Pasadena Police, who fail to prosecute
her for the death of a child

Los Angeles Times articles on Abusive Conservatorships
1997-12-07 State Needs Better Oversight of Professional Conservators
When a Family Matter Turns Into a Business
Feeding Big fees to court favorites is a long standing practice that has not stopped
2009-02-15 Conservator Melodie Jo Scott under investigation
2010-04-09 Melodie Scott professional fiduciary license denied
1996-07-28 Conservators' Fees Receiving Closer Scrutiny 

What happens to lawyers who do not go along with the judges
Victims of Law

Full Disclosure.net 
Richard Fine 

Los Angeles Superior Court Videos on Corruption
Watch from the bottom up for correct order, note each link has many segments 

2011-08-29 Judicial Racketeering Prompts Call For RICO ACT Prosecutions
2011-08-29 Judges Muster Power, City Attorney To Stop Citizen Challenge To Their Corruption
2011-08-08 Court Showdown On Ballot Fraud
2011-07-09 Department Of Justice Accused Of Racketeering Cover Up
2011-06-05 State Supreme Court Judges & State Bar Officials Target Of Corruption Lawsuit
2011-05-02 6th Judge Steps Down On Richard Fine Case: Judicial Wall Of Resistance Broken
2011-04-04 Should Judges Be Prosecuted In Order To Reform The California Judicial System?
2011-03-06 County Influences Judges With Double $ Benefits, Developers Pay To Play
2011-03-22 How To Disqualify Your State Superior Court Judge & Get A New Trial
2011-01-30 Cost Of Courage, The Story Of Richard I Fine
2010-10-17 L A Times Endorsements Ignore Judicial Crimes: Spark Debate Challenge
2010-09-23 Richard I Fine, Ph.D Reflects on 18 Months of "Coercive Confinement" & Court Corruption
2010-05-15 Judicial Bribery, “Coercive Confinement” Reach The U.S. Supreme & Appeals Courts


The Robing Room: CA State Judges - Reva Goetz


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20 minutes ago, Nels64 said:

Yeah this letter reads too much like fans flailing. It just needs to be straight facts. 

Hell, I mean this: 

Is a perfect way to say what they're trying to say in that letter. Stick to facts. Stick to allegations from people that have worked with her. Don't just throw **** in that's hear-say. 


I think the law needs to be stated. 

I used to think that the cship was still going on to protect Britney from multiple lawsuits (Sam Lutfi, Adnan Galib, oportunists) because she's unable to testify but it doesn't make any sense since all the celebrities are constantly being sued for dumb reasons too and manage to get rid off them.

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5 minutes ago, ClaudiaDC said:

I am so angry omg. I wanted to respect Britney when she asked privacy. But I can’t handle this. 

Team B is just CRAZY!!! They are destroying Britney in every single way. They hate us her fans but they want our money, this is why we won’t buy anything until she will Be free!!! I am so tired!! I want  Britney back, she was a rebel and her songs and sound were changing, she wanted to talk about serious topics with Rebellion, Mona Lisa, Remembrance of wh I am etc 

That's exactly what I feel! People think that she's like that because alcohol and *****!  And probably there is none of that! It's was this f**king c-ship all along:kyliecry:

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3 minutes ago, Pfefferminz said:

Have you guys seen this? A now-defunct freeBritney.com website is listed on this website: Corrupt Los Angeles Superior Court Judges

  Reveal hidden contents


Exposing the really ugly judges in America


Los Angeles Superior Court Corruption
Over 90% of Los Angeles Superior Court judges have been found to accept bribes

If you think corruption does not exist then ask yourself why there are so many victims?
The other problem is victims are ignored when they report to auhtorities.


How do the courts do it?

Delays, sealing documents, ignoring constitutional rights, perjury, abuse and crime
How does anyone profit? Legal fees, did you consider lawyers charge a minimum of $250 per hour.
Most hearings involve 2 or more lawyers all billing for time. Victims are billed to death with
hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. The judge knows every time they continue, delay or
fail to act it costs victims thousands of dollars. Remember lawyers are paid whether they win
or lose. Its not about justice, its about greed and profit. That's the game, follow the money, 
reward the lawyers who are controlled by the judge. Its been found judges are bribed paid via geneorus 
home and property loans, payments and exhanges.

Read the story below on the Corruption in Los Angeles
Richard Fine story

The root of the problem

Corrupt Judges

Aviva K. Bobb
Judge Reva Goetz
Judge Elizabeth Feffer
Judge David Yaffe
Judge Robert O'Brien
Judge Elihu Berle
Judge Carolyn B. Kuhl

Unethical Lawyers
Christopher Edward Overgaard
perjury, fraud, grand theft via legal billing and conspiracy
Philip Barbaro Jr.
Lacks ethics, covers up crime, perjury and abuse of seniors
Violet M. Boskovich
Files false police reports, influences doctors with false information
John Torrey Rogers Jr.
Unethical, Accessory to ******


PROBATE COURT: The Largest Business in the World

When Judges are in bed with those pretending to be independent
Who is Merrick J. Bobb? A lawyer that is a self proclaimed independent police watch dog
Why is a Los Angeles Superior Court judge Aviva K. Bobb involved with someone who should be impartial?
Merrick Bobb Non-profit civilian LASD watchdog with QUESTIONALBE ethics and Agendas 
Who assigned Merrick J. Bobb and how was he appointed?
Why is someone PAID by Police writing reports as to what police are doing wrong?
Merrick J. Bobb has his own conflict of interest story too 
(Bobb has a history of leaving out key information such as who was paying him
Los Angeles Times Omits significant Conflict of Interest about Merrick J. Bobb

When judge Aviva K. Bobb was re-assigned due to the death of a child
What did police do? Nothing. Police did not prosecute, yet both a senior and child are dead
What did the Los Angeles Times do about Merrick J. Bobb's undisclosed conflict(s) of interest? NOTHING
Now the same Merrick J. Bobb who has a questionable history is at work with billions spent on Homeland Security
Want to know about how Merrick J. Bobb and Aviva K. Bobb are involved

The thin Blue Line Between Straight and Narrow is thinner than one might think.
Hiring your wife or relative over the right person is were justice stops and criminal
acts and corruption start. Why are some people above the law the ones investigating wrong? 


The tools used by unethical judges and lawyers
Conservatorship and Guardianship

More information on the crimes and victims of Corruption



Guardianship Agency Costs Elderly Woman Dearly

Judge Aviva K. Bobb
Judge Reva Goetz
Judge David Yaffe
Los Angeles Times Justice Sleeps While Seniors Suffer
Free Richard Fine
Widespread Fraud in Los Angeles Courts
Forgotten Americans
Corruption of the Los Angeles Superior Court
Full Disclosure
Widespread Corruption of the Los Angeles Superior Court
Lawyer John T. Rogers J
Recall Judge Elizabeth Feffer
Expose Court Corruption

Victims in California are urged to DISQUALIFY your judge if you think they are corrupt
See this link for info how do do this 

For Fathers Less Five
Colorado Case Fixing

Story of Joseph Ludwig Ziarnik
How an Attorney Fooled a Judge and got away with it

Minnesota Case Fixing

Corruption in Pennsylvania the Larry Hohol book
Guardianship Gulag

Florida you know this court is corrupt

New York
Help Bring Gary Home

Judge Kennedy MUST Resign

Marked for Destruction
4 Justice Radio

Free Britney
Elder Abuse on the rise
NASGA Stop Guardian Abuse
Judicial Council Watcher
Widespread Corruption and Refusal by DOJ to take action
Corrupt Probate Judges
Elder Abuse Advocates
The Leslier Brodie Report
Estate of Denial
Family Law Courts
National Alliance for Court Justice
North Shore Live Coopers Corner
Marti Oakley & ther Truth Squad
Probate Sharks
Guardianship Gulag
Victims of Guardians
Abusive Guardianships
Financial Abuse of the Elderly
4 Justice Radio

Find other victims and network on FACEBOOK or to contact this site

Mickey Rooney victim of abusive conservatorship
Britney Spears victim of abusive conservatorship
Randy Quaid flees uethical estate lawyer

Please support the effort to prosecute
dishonorable judge Aviva K. Bobb
for the ****** of Lee Peters and
11 year old Jeanene Bonner
share and use the banners below
and link back to avivakbobb.com 
Does Aviva K. Bobb have ties to
Pasadena Police, who fail to prosecute
her for the death of a child

Los Angeles Times articles on Abusive Conservatorships
1997-12-07 State Needs Better Oversight of Professional Conservators
When a Family Matter Turns Into a Business
Feeding Big fees to court favorites is a long standing practice that has not stopped
2009-02-15 Conservator Melodie Jo Scott under investigation
2010-04-09 Melodie Scott professional fiduciary license denied
1996-07-28 Conservators' Fees Receiving Closer Scrutiny 

What happens to lawyers who do not go along with the judges
Victims of Law

Full Disclosure.net 
Richard Fine 

Los Angeles Superior Court Videos on Corruption
Watch from the bottom up for correct order, note each link has many segments 

2011-08-29 Judicial Racketeering Prompts Call For RICO ACT Prosecutions
2011-08-29 Judges Muster Power, City Attorney To Stop Citizen Challenge To Their Corruption
2011-08-08 Court Showdown On Ballot Fraud
2011-07-09 Department Of Justice Accused Of Racketeering Cover Up
2011-06-05 State Supreme Court Judges & State Bar Officials Target Of Corruption Lawsuit
2011-05-02 6th Judge Steps Down On Richard Fine Case: Judicial Wall Of Resistance Broken
2011-04-04 Should Judges Be Prosecuted In Order To Reform The California Judicial System?
2011-03-06 County Influences Judges With Double $ Benefits, Developers Pay To Play
2011-03-22 How To Disqualify Your State Superior Court Judge & Get A New Trial
2011-01-30 Cost Of Courage, The Story Of Richard I Fine
2010-10-17 L A Times Endorsements Ignore Judicial Crimes: Spark Debate Challenge
2010-09-23 Richard I Fine, Ph.D Reflects on 18 Months of "Coercive Confinement" & Court Corruption
2010-05-15 Judicial Bribery, “Coercive Confinement” Reach The U.S. Supreme & Appeals Courts


The Robing Room: CA State Judges - Reva Goetz


Could you imagine Britney wrote that review on the judge :jj: expose her B 

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