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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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37 minutes ago, Yoongi said:

@ILikeChillinWithYou hey, can I ask you something? Do you have the receipts of the Frances Iacuzzi photographer supporting the #freebritney posts? 

@Yoongi This was posted in the story of an Instagram fan account:


Francis Iacuzzi who photographed many of Britney's pictures in her insta commented #FreeBritney on a post. 

I don't know how to embed images in here tho. Insert using URL isn't working

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CC: Lou Taylor, godly hot husband, Jamie Spears

Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

If I believed in hell, I’d say they all have a one way trip. Jesus hated money. Funny how Christians like these morons talk a big talk but are very un-Christlike.

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2 minutes ago, Shaned said:

They did say "urgent" meeting so maybe it was last minute and Britney was busy 

Britney was probably with her kids and was like "my team will sort it", Robin is her business manager. Everyone in this meeting is doing their jobs. But obviously, most artists would be in that meeting and agreeing/disagreeing to what they wanna/can't do. However, this seems very rushed and urgent and considering how little time they had up to the performing night, it's not surprising. 

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I listened to Rebellion again after many many years and... wow, it makes so much sense now. when was it released? i remember she posted it on her website when she used to write blogs.


seriously, britney has a massive amount of loyal fans, some of them may be lawyers and **** like that, lol, can we please make a big *** group of people and try to help? something's clearly fishy 

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Just now, THE BAJAN VIBE said:

Will.I.Am, David LaChapelle, her mom and other people supporting the FREE BRITNEY movement and big media prefer to ignore it.

When she shaved her hair, it was all over the world. SHAME!

Thats because the media likes drama that’s right in there face. When they see someone suffering it like puts a twisted smile on their face 

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It's hard to be happy when you have no rights.  Legally speaking she  has been "unpersoned"  and has suffered through a "civil death."  She's now reduced to far less than an ordinary citizen in the eyes of the law, and that would be depressing no matter how positive a person you are.  It's also not the America we think we're in.  Any of us can be unpersoned if the court decides we can't take care of ourselves properly.  "Incapacity" has no hard and fast scientific standard.  It's just a judge's opinion in a probate court--no jury trial.  A bit like Kafka if you ask me.   www.facebook.com/boomersbeware.  Please like this page and learn about the pitfalls of rights removal.  Also visit  www.stopguardianabuse.org  Join us in the fight to reform the system.  Thank you!

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1 hour ago, woabritney said:

^ Things like that I believe are orders FROM Britney. IMO she doesn't want to deal with being stared at and has little to no interest in meeting other people to mooch off her.

The delusion. Britney can’t  even talk to people outside her circle without her team stepping in. Home girl is monitored and controlled as **** :cackling:

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1 hour ago, Frosti said:

There are probably many stories like this , i hope that more people will speak up.

I've always thought that the c-ship made her more shy and nervous. We know that Britney has anxiety. If you are constantly controlled and monitored by people around you, how can your anxiety not get worse? Anxiety makes you evaluate yourself in your mind and try to be perfect and think how do i look, what should i say, do........countless worries. Having people around also evaluating you must be a nightmare. Eventually you say and do less just to avoid any mistakes hence the change in her personality after the c-ship.:(

After this coming out it seems that Britney is not anxious in nature but rather that the control her handlers exert on her is what really freaks her out. This is just a manifestation of her fear. 

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