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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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3 minutes ago, femmefataledoll said:

She fired him in 2004 because her and Kevin wanted to run her career (she said this in a letter online to us, I'll try and find it). Then she rehired him when she announced the divorce but got sick of how stage managed he wanted it all to be to reform her image, so she fired him again in early 2007

No. She fired him in 2007 because he, Kevin, and her family staged an intervention and sent her to rehab.

Get your facts straight. :wtf:

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18 minutes ago, marioh said:

She was so annoying in IABJ. They had a business meeting to plan the rehearsals and everything for the POM residency and Britney WASN'T EVEN THERE. They made all the decisions for her.

Absolutely terrible documentary; watching everybody making all her decisions.

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idk whats going on but i remember when i first found out about britney (oops era) and she was SOOOO AMAZING, funny, goofy, happy, talented, passionate.... and then it all fell apart. i am really mad at her team for hidding her and overprotecting her. 

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39 minutes ago, abbiesbanned. said:

robin was SO cold and regimented when i met her in August 2018 for the m&gs! she was literally calling the shots.

she gave off such bad vibes, i'd heard lots of bad things about her from other fans.

it's the 2398427934th time I said this ONLY in this thread lol but when I met Robin and Jamie in the streets of Vegas they didn't seem creepy at all. Robin was actually very nice and spoke with this soft and friendly voice. 

Maybe it's different during M&G's because she has to be the "bad cop" as opposed to Fe which is there to calm down the fans. :yaknow:


Edit: I'm not defending them, they could be completely different in real life, and I just talked to them for about 2 min (the average M&G with Britney :raven: ) but you know, there's certain people that from the minute you speak with them give you the creeps. 


Edit #2: remembering my experience I think actually I was the one that must have given them the creeps lol We were in this multitude of people waiting for the light to turn green so we could cross the street, and of course nobody knew who the hell they were, but me :haha: It was so strange, I was exactly behind Jamie seeing his hairy neck, and I don't know why or how, but I knew it was him, but wasn't sure, and I looked to my right and there she was, Robin, but I didn't remember her name. Then I just blurted out "excuse me sir, are you Jamie Spears?" and immediately regretted thinking "is Jamie even his name? :orangu: " 

Then he turned around, rather scared, and I was wearing PRECISELY the Britney tshirt from Target, and I just pointed to it and said "I'm a huge Britney fan" and he was all FFney like, oh yeah, and then Robin said something else, and I asked her "you work for Britney too right?" lol and she was like, "yes I dooo" but I decided to stop right there because I thought the whole thing must've been weird for them, because we weren't even near Planet Hollywood.  

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15 minutes ago, Jack Spears said:

That is partly true, but that's their job. They handle the business side. In the documentary Britney had a lot of control over the residency, she picked the entire setlist and how the show should be, lol. 

You've seen previous documentaries where Felicia works with professionalism,education and respecting a Britney.Great difference between Felicia's work and Robin's work.

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Oct 7, 2004

"BRITNEY SPEARS has dumped her manager so she can control her career. She is furious with Larry Rudolph for not backing her marriage to dancer KEVIN FEDERLINE. And Rudolph probably should have seen it coming. Britney’s new single, My Prerogative, spells out how the singer is determined to be her own woman. Trouble has been brewing since Britney’s wildchild period last year. Larry was terrified of the effect her partying would have on her squeaky clean image."


(Link no longer working.)

Oct 16, 2004

"Dear Fans,

I am going to start writing this column now as often as possible. The reason being is so I can talk directly to you, my fans, who have stuck by me & who continue to support me. Also, I’m not going to be as busy as my Mom. She’s running behind my sister like crazy! I am also going to take some time off to enjoy life. I’ve actually learned to say “NO!” With this newly found freedom, its like people don’t know how to act around me. Should we talk to her like we did when she was 16 or like the Icon everyone says she is? My prerogative right now is to just chill & let all of the other overexposed blondes on the cover of Us Weekly be your entertainment… GOOD LUCK GIRLS!! I’m sorry that my life seemed like it was all over the place the past 2 years, it’s probably because IT WAS! I understand now what they mean when they talk about child stars. Going & going & going is all I’ve ever known since I was 15 years old. It’s amazing what advisors will push you to do, even if it means taking a naive, young, blonde girl & putting her on the cover of every magazine.

I know now that my knee gave out on me this past summer so that I would have no choice but to stop. My body was shutting down and needed rest. It’s funny how the Man upstairs works. Right now, I have to go– I really want to watch “Saved” with Mandy Moore and re-runs of “*** and the City.” I want to enjoy all of the simple things that I missed over the past few years due to working way too much.

Being married is GREAT and I can’t wait to start my family! There is so much change going on right now… not only with me, but in the world, as well. So, the next time you see my face, hear one of my songs or even if I’m the topic of your next conversation, please remember that times are changing & so am I.

Love always, Britney

P.S. I look forward to writing you all again soon. Kevin and I are finally able to take our Honeymoon!!"


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