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3 hours ago, Bxnes said:


If there was an album coming the world tour wouldn't have been called Piece Of Me, and they would have announced it to push  ticket sales even more.
If she planned to heavily promote the record there's no way she would embark on a world tour based on an old show.
It just makes no sense.
Trust me, maybe she's putting out some random Pitbull collaboration and the next album is definitely coming in 2019 (with the new residency)

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15 minutes ago, notacamwhore said:

That came out the year after though? :umsaywhat:

Because they treat 1999 as her debut year since that's when they album came out. Which is why we've heard nothing this year because as far as her team is concerned, her 20th anniversary isn't until next year.

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7 minutes ago, Alex_1991 said:

If there was an album coming the world tour wouldn't have been called Piece Of Me, and they would have announced it to push  ticket sales even more.
If she planned to heavily promote the record there's no way she would embark on a world tour based on an old show.
It just makes no sense.
Trust me, maybe she's putting out some random Pitbull collaboration and the next album is definitely coming in 2019 (with the new residency)



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3 hours ago, HangingOnToThePast said:

" Britney is not playing around this time "

a sentence I wanted to read for a really long time, let's hope it's real :ohdear:

I've actually been reading this same sentence for years now :sofedup:

For Circus, for 3 music video, for ff, for bj, for vegas, for glory :slowdown:

And you know how it ends every time :anxiety:

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1 hour ago, December02 said:

Were you not around? She did a crap tonne of interviews, several live performances, a tv special, several weeks of hype leading up to the HIAM video, on the hour playing of HIAM upon release, a world tour, a performance for the billboard awards, four music videos, and sold a tour DVD. The album sold well too. I get people might not have liked it, but it was actually a really successful era, especially considering that her third single became her most played radio song at the time. We can't even get a successful lead single now. 

first of all, i remember ALL OF US hating FF era back then...

the early-concept being scapped in order to make it more "radio friendly" :holduplisten:

second, robotney lazyney showing up on all of your so called "several live performances" :whitney:

third, being unnable to show her tru charisma or pull a propper conversation during most of those "interviews" :girlwhat: you know, like using other words than "cool" or "really cool"

that tour did not deserved to have a DVD in comparison to CIRCUS Tour or POM Vegas show :staysalty: it's cringe worthy

the body double fiasco messed up HIAM and TTWE music videos :byebitch: but besides that, they managed to pull great visuals, overall, including "Criminal"



I was very around back then sweetie :kisses: let's not pretend FF was a flawfree era, with an outstanding "promo" scheme, because we dealed with mess after mess during those days tumblr_inline_n3g8i2GQFv1s2uupz.gif

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I don't know what to believe but... I've just remembered we got an info about Britney releasing a very chill album ( aka Glory) and leaving behind club bangers or more radio friendly tracks because they didn't fit..  we're definitely getting Glory leftovers and I'm ok with that. :sendinglove:

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4 hours ago, MakeMeFweaky said:

We don’t See her do anything lately besides go to the beach did her team pay the paps to leave her alone?

they didn't need to pay, she just isn't a hot topic celebrity anymore. also not every pap she encountered was "unexpected", its a common publicity tactic to inform media where a celeb will appear for some inexpensive promo


in regards to thread topic; :ohreallylol:

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