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100% PROOF That Myah Sang Work *****


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im actually in shock right now because ive always heard everyone saying they "think" myah sang on work ***** but it was never confirmed like the other obvious ones but never heard this. this is actually ridiculous because not only did myah "create" all the cool accents on the talking voice, this is a first single. The other accusations came from fillers on the album and I could let that s--t go cause she could be busy to record a whole vegas promotional album but this, come on. Id love to know who's to blame besides Britney. Like, if Will presented this to her team or something.

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9 minutes ago, nonoiseplz said:

Where is the proof that this from a DEMO?  :nocomprende:

The vocals sound like they were ripped from the official studio acapella that leaked not too long after Britney Jean came out (SEVERAL YEARS AGO).


Omg sounds like a different person is singing! Is that true? 

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