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14 hours ago, sillylilgurl said:

lipsynced. same track is used here as well




It sounds different during the chorus though. It sounds so much more breath-y in the OP than this one. Probably she used to sing so well, she sounded the same on every performance? :imcute: If she really is lipsyncing to pre-recorded vocals that means Lazy-ney always existed, or why is she watering down the choreo

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21 hours ago, Rico. said:

I swear newbie fans call everything rare in here, forgetting there are STANS

I've been a fan since 2000 when sometimes came out. This is a pretty rare performance, it was basically nowhere to be found on the internet (before it was uploaded on yt). I had it recorded on a VHS myself. So stop being bitter baby and enjoy her vocals

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2 hours ago, Alex_1991 said:

I've been a fan since 2000 when sometimes came out. This is a pretty rare performance, it was basically nowhere to be found on the internet (before it was uploaded on yt). I had it recorded on a VHS myself. So stop being bitter baby and enjoy her vocals

How am I bitter? you're the one seeking attention to your thread by claiming this is "extremely rare" :umsaywhat:

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