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Does Britney's Facebook Message People?


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8 minutes ago, Kammunist. said:

Post a screenshot :umsaywhat:

The first message I assumed "Oh, this must be her team messaging random fans from her page to drum up promo or something and I got lucky." :yaknow: After the first reply, I had a brief moment of "OMG BRITNEY IS TALKING TO ME?!" :groovin: But after they kept replying with the 'thank you', I was immediately like "Ok, this has to be a catfish, let me click on 'take me to profile' to see if it's really her," but I couldn't find that option at all. :huh: 


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I only remember the Britney Spears facebook page messaged me back in 2011 but I don't remember if it was for HIAM or the FF album, when they came out. I think they messaged all of the people that have liked the page at the moment.

But then they removed the option to message them, but I still was able to see the "conversation" in the archived messages. Ever since they put that horrible Messenger application on the computer's version of Facebook too, instead of the old Messages System, I can't find it anymore.

I also remember when we were able to tag ourselves in their pictures lol I'm still tagged in some FFT random pictures.

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