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All of Britney's performances should be choreographed like this


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Something I noticed while watching this performance is that while Britney isnt doing the most complex parts of the choreo she's moving throughout. A lot of her performances now have her walking around until a dance break and I think that's what can bring them down a bit. I totally think Britney as we have her could pull off a performance like this it really just has to do with the style of choreography. Nothing in this performance is difficult and a lot of the moves she doesn't do full out but it looks good because of the energy.


Work ***** is a great example of a good currentney performance and shows ho wBritney can still slay but since this was choreographed for 2013 Britney and not 2018 Britney there's still lots of gaps and moments that are empty that Britney fills with 

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1 hour ago, prettylittleliar_2214 said:

Yeah the choreography style needs to change. Her current moves are too robotic and unnatural other than a few songs. She also needs to cut loose more on stage now she runs through it in her head and doesn't go all out. 

Britney's performances were always choreographed down to the T and now they have too many gaps and walking moments

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