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Ultimate Upgrade Package - Piece of Me


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Hey guys!

I am from Belgium SO HAPPY that Britney is bringing Piece of Me to Europe and especially Antwerp!

I am so interested in the Meet&Greet package but a have a few doubts...maybe someone could help me?

Ultimate Upgrade – 575 euros – max. 4/order

  • Individual pre-show photo opportunity with Britney Spears
  • Exclusive access to backstage tour
  • Autographed special edition Britney Spears poster
  • Souvenir Britney Spears tour laminate and lanyard
  • Designated Check-in with our on-site event staff
    This package is an upgrade only and does not include a concert ticket, which must be purchased separately.

 Anyone knows if we automatically have an early entry access to the arena with this package? Because it says there's no ticket included.

There is also an Early Entry Package but it dos not include meeting Brit Brit.

Thanks for you help!



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50 minutes ago, BritneyBelgium said:

Hey guys!

I am from Belgium SO HAPPY that Britney is bringing Piece of Me to Europe and especially Antwerp!

I am so interested in the Meet&Greet package but a have a few doubts...maybe someone could help me?

Ultimate Upgrade – 575 euros – max. 4/order

  • Individual pre-show photo opportunity with Britney Spears
  • Exclusive access to backstage tour
  • Autographed special edition Britney Spears poster
  • Souvenir Britney Spears tour laminate and lanyard
  • Designated Check-in with our on-site event staff
    This package is an upgrade only and does not include a concert ticket, which must be purchased separately.

 Anyone knows if we automatically have an early entry access to the arena with this package? Because it says there's no ticket included.

There is also an Early Entry Package but it dos not include meeting Brit Brit.

Thanks for you help!



I can only tell you what I know from Vegas as this list is exactly the same as that. I was really disappointed when I got into the venue because we got in after the M&G at about 8:15, by which time the pit was already full. I moaned to people there and they said there was nothing they could do. I ended up pushing my way to the front but really far over.

I guess the way they see it is that you've already been as close as you're gonna get to her, so why does it matter?

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I met her in Vegas and was in the pit...had a great spot. Not sure what it will be like on tour but yeah after the meet and greet you have like 15 min to get in before the show starts. You definitely get "in" early but you're not done meeting her until right before the show so there's a chance you wont have the best spot in the pit. If you choose an assigned seat, obviously it won't be an issue.

Also... 575 euro for a M&G??? Isn't that like $700 USD? I paid $1500 for mine! :imok:

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