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Britney's hottest tea by PopMusicFacts ( a must read)


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Here is... He/she is retiring, leaving or something like that. 

The point is the hottest tea ever ( if it's true) is HERE

Britney Spears is set to tour Worldwide this year, the announcement should be coming really soon and announced in a huge way. On Britney’s tour there are said to be 20 shows around the world as a concept of “20 Years Of Britney”.

As for new music, a Glory re-release was said to be coming but now I’m hearing it’s B10 and that it’s being released later this year in the fall.One of the first singles of the project (possibly lead) is said to be a very upbeat pop track that sound like ‘Havana’/ ‘Toxic’ and ‘Change Your Mind (No Seas Cortés)’ mashed together.

The lead single is set to be coming any time before summer as her team is planning two singles by the end of summer with possibly an album pre-order, heavy promotion and a Fall release date.I’ve heard both album or Glory re-release but we’ll see. There is a lead single coming eventually + tour announcement.



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10 minutes ago, britney_rocks said:

All I ask is for some decent promo for next era. Glory was a fantastic album that did not get the attention it deserved. It was her best album since Blackout.  :lemmetellu:  

This is the hottest tea actually...:jamout:

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