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It's like two different people..


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I feel like her brain blocks certain periods of her memory as a form of protecting her from triggers that could make her unwell mentally. There’s a name for that but I don’t know what it’s called on English.

I think it’s probably it since I can totally relate, I had a ******* rough time during my teens, and for my recovery I avoided bringing up the past for so long that now when I try to think about it everything seems so vague and blurry, like I’m watching someone else’s memories. Mental illnesses are not easy.


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11 hours ago, armokid77 said:

  Everytime anything from the past is brought up we get responses like "I don't remember" or "I forgot" which is actually kinda scary because how do you just forget colossal moments of your life. For example (VMA 1999):  “I think the whole setup was a classroom, and my four main dancers were in the front at their desk and I came out of my locker. But, you know what, I don’t remember at all. I have no recollection. I couldn’t tell you anything about it.” HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!!!

well I think everything was happening so fast in her life back then so she could've just forget some situations

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I think with what Britney went through her priorities changed, her performances, appearances, interviews was not seen or possibly remembered in the same way, I believe she can remember things, but she will remember what is important to her, what she wore exactly and how she performed at her award performances over 10 years ago, obviously isn't. 

Another thing I think she doesn't want to sound stupid trying to remember so it's easier to say you can't remember - the pressure of being asked something on the spot with millions ready to react to everything she says must be hard. 

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13 hours ago, armokid77 said:

ALSO I physically cannot take the stupid facial expressions anymore. Like her most recent IG video WHAT is she doing with her mouth it drives me absolutely insane it's like she's a robot stuck in a loop & doesn't know what else to do with her face/body/arms/etc.  She's become so detached from what's "cool" & how awkward she acts all the time now.  It's like she just doesn't have a clue.

I actually really liked that video... Her hair reminded me of 2004ney like around the time she was promoting and performing Toxic and she's been making them faces since she started whilst performing and in videos no? Also she's looking a lot more natural in the face especially her lips at the moment. But that's just my opinion :)

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6 hours ago, Britman512 said:

I think shes ashamed tho because she literally shocked the world when she said dancing with the snake eas the stupidest thing she has done 

I think she just said that because she's in denial. It's as if she keeps saying to herself, "Nah, I don't want to be that person anymore." But deep down she really wants to be that person -- she just can't because her ability to be spontaneous has been taken from her.

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5 hours ago, tsss said:

she lives isolated life, doesn't have freedom to make her own friends, her boyfriends are set up by her dad

I really doubt you can stay the same way after living this guarded life for so long

 are we really surprised that she has no idea what's cool anymore? she really is a mom who tries to be "britney spears" occasionally 

Maybe this c-ship long term is actually doing her more harm then good in terms of mental health. 


I mean to have your dad control everything you do with money, your boyfriends, what she buys and her life in general. It must suck big time. 

I wish she could fight it out in court to get her life back but I don’t think she can:kyliecry: either that or she has just accepted that this is her life now. 


Wonder what hat will happen when Sean and Jayden are 18? Would they become her c-ship handlers if Jamie wasn’t around ? Sounds stupid but if this c-ship is going to be for the rest of her life then who takes over from Jamie? Her mum? Or her sons? 


Its actually sad thinking like this how controlled her life really is :bthink:

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13 hours ago, notacamwhore said:

Something serious happened to her that we don't know about..overdose or whatever that pur her in conservatorship and side effect was memory loss 


I think it's like she said once that her twenties were horrible and when she said that i think there was more in her mind than the break-up's ,divorce ,situation with kids or meltdown... We also know how driven she was in the begging as an artist.... and how she wasn't been able to fully express her talent the way she wanted as there was this big PR machine behind....

For us it might have been the best years of Britney, but not for her.

We all change as we get older and so does she... and i totally get it why she's not watching her own performances as some of you says she should... She just has to keep it as normal as possible for herself other wise it can drive you crazy...    

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What I'm going to say will probably be considered as unpopular opinion and people will say I'm trying to defend Britney, but I'm just trying to see this things from my point of view.

Anyway, I don't think it's that weird she doesn't remember the things you mention.

First of all, do you remember some of the things you did 18 years ago? I can't remember clearly what I ate yesterday for lunch, let alone what I did 20 years from today.

Second of all - she's not a typical popstar. She's not obsessed with herself like many other stars are. She probably doesn't really watch her old music videos, performances or listen to her songs like we fans do. It's different. We stan for her, that's why we know all this stuff and she doesn't. She knows things about her favorite singers and that's totally normal. I mean remember when she was asked in 2016 or 17 till when she's going to put out albums and she said that Madonna was her age when she started so there still a long way in front of her or sth along these lines. And she does remember a lot of her stuff too, for example, she really surprised me when she commented her tour outfits in IABJ. 

And third of all - she clearly has some level of social anxiety. I have it too and sometimes it gets really bad. I'm sure she's really shy about her accomplishments and she doesn't know how to take a compliment so it's easy for her to just change the subject or act like she doesn't know about it. Your quote about BOMT performance proves it. She described it and then she pulled out like: "I don't know anything about it." I'm sure she does. Exact same thing with OIDIA in Carpool Karaoke. When she said "It's just a song" she probably meant that it doesn't really have any deep message, it's a regular song. Plus it gave James a cue for his joke, so maybe it was scripted, who knows. 

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This is so simple

They haven’t let her evolve as an artist or express herself how she wants , so she’s trying as much to be a ditzy airhead which is what she thinks the public wants from her ...

people forget how hardcore she was and how she respected Eminem and really did see her career as corny. She’s a bad ***** and Kevin federline etc explains it ... she had to let go of being a “cool chick” because it wasn’t on brand 

half of eveyrhting she does is projecting a certain rebellion., I’ll go through the motions and be what you want but don’t expect me to show passion through it 

also her cheorgraphy now is different because of the songs, she actually moves much faster than the past 

they took away her passion and she tried during the femme fatale era to display a more mature voice and personality but it quickly back fired ... now she’s just like okay I’ll be a bimbo but I’m gonna play dumb 

 don’t see Justin Timberlake doing the bye bye bye move or really proud of his nysnc past


brtney had to sell out in order to succeed and it got her nothing in her eyes .. she said in the zone era was a mistake and that she is learning less is more and to say no 

people think she’s lazy but her performances don’t have a moment where she isn’t doing a step, which takes away her swag

theres a lot more on this besides just talking **** 

plus ****** assault could be a factor from her youth .


she needs to release a book and an album and call it a dsy. Her fans don’t want her to evolve and put her down when she tries something new . It’s always trying to bring her back to her 18 yr old self like they own her 

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5 hours ago, Doug said:

I feel like her brain blocks certain periods of her memory as a form of protecting her from triggers that could make her unwell mentally. There’s a name for that but I don’t know what it’s called on English.

I think it’s probably it since I can totally relate, I had a ******* rough time during my teens, and for my recovery I avoided bringing up the past for so long that now when I try to think about it everything seems so vague and blurry, like I’m watching someone else’s memories. Mental illnesses are not easy.


C ship britney reminds of my friend who is home schooled he's very out of touch about pop culture and whats considered cool and fashionable like when your cut off from the world and have few friends it can make your social abilities drop tremendously 

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