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Thoughts on Perfume?


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Hey Exhale!

So I never really see Perfume being talked about (either version), and the occasional comment I do see is usually how it was a shitty single choice. 

What do you think of the song? Personally, I love the Dreaming Mix. I never listen to the original, it's like a totally different song and I just don't have any use for it. The sound doesn't fit the lyrics. 

I was listening to the DM earlier and I think it's such a pretty song, dare I say one of her best in years even. I feel like it gets a lot of flack because of the entire BJ fiasco, but as a stand alone song it really is great I think.

So what ya'll think, is Perfume (either version) yay or nay?

Discuss! :gimmemoar:

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I think “Perfume” is a good song however I do not feel it was a good choice to follow-up “Work *****” with, plus the music video did not make any impact and has no repeat value which lets down the song to some extent especially for somebody like Britney who is very much a visual artist it is import to get the visuals right to represent the song and bring it to life.

I would like to see Britney perform this song live. 

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1 minute ago, umr3000 said:

I think “Perfume” is a good song however I do not feel it was a good choice to follow-up “Work *****” with, plus the music video did not make any impact and has no repeat value which lets down the song to some extent especially for somebody like Britney who is very much a visual artist it is import to get the visuals right to represent the song and bring it to life.

I would like to see Britney perform this song live. 

I 100% feel like It Should Be Easy was screaming to be a single. WB was the perfect first single, then ISBE, then Alien, then Passenger, then Perfume as the 5th and last single :wigsnatched:

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