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Which album is the most important in pop culture?


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In the Zone gave us Britney's most enduring hit Toxic, her most personal ballad Everytime, and her biggest collaboration in Me Against the Music. Each of those had distinctly iconic songs and videos. And the accompanying tour and performances were stellar.

So I'd say ITZ had the biggest pop cultural impact as an album. BOMT and OIDIA each had one video that had a wide impact. If you were looking for most impactful videos, those 2 would be at the top of the list.

Blackout would probably be her most sonically impactful album.


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17 hours ago, LoanSPW said:

I always forget about Thriller! I know it's the best-selling album of all-time and that it was impactful, but I think it's actually one of MJ's worst albums (i skip like half of it), which is probably why I forgot to mention it...

Lol yeah not even Michael and the label liked Thriller. It wasn’t even gonna be a single. I tried to like that album but it just a bore compared to his other albums. 

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