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do albums still get released on tape/cassette versions nowadays? (britney related)


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i was just messing around ebay and was looking for britney's cassettes and they have all her albums up til circus, aparently britney's discography wasnt released in that format anymore since it was discontinued in most of the world. But since vinyl it's in again y remember how much i used to like having my tapes, because it needed much less space than cds and vinyls and was also cheaper


britney's tapes are expensive also because they are for collectors or something, prices start from 90$ for a cassette in a good condition.

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I dont think so :idkney:

Vinyls became trendy again because they have some kind of vintage nostalgia but I don't know about cassettes. Omg, how far we've gone since using those annoying tapes with 5 to 10 songs to the streaming era. I was to young to use them but I got to live during the cd era and it was still annoying to change cds on your Walkman cd player 

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1 hour ago, Isla. said:

Cassettes were still popular in 2007? :ineedthetruth:

the last time I used those cassettes was in 2001-ish and it was just to record songs from the radio :hehehe:

other than that, I only used them with one videocamera someone borrowed me in 2009, but I ignore how old it was. The camera didn't look that obsolete, but anyway, it was a mini-cassette.


we used to have BOMT in cassette :makeitrain: but God knows what happened to it, that's why I had to buy the CD later.

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8 hours ago, PokemonSpears said:

the last time I used those cassettes was in 2001-ish and it was just to record songs from the radio :hehehe:

other than that, I only used them with one videocamera someone borrowed me in 2009, but I ignore how old it was. The camera didn't look that obsolete, but anyway, it was a mini-cassette.


we used to have BOMT in cassette :makeitrain: but God knows what happened to it, that's why I had to buy the CD later.

I only remember using casettes in primary school, I don’t even know what for now :ineedthetruth:

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11 minutes ago, notacamwhore said:

Nobody does cassettes anymore it's called a CD :sneer:

I don't think people even uses CD's anymore. At least most of the newest computers lost the CD-ROM drive years ago. I don't know if some of the newer cars still play CD's, but whoever that still buys CD's, like me, it's because we have old devices that play them. In my case, my computer is almost 10 years old, so it does the trick lol but I ignore how the new generations feel about the CD's when they've had digital music their entire lives.

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3 hours ago, PokemonSpears said:

I don't think people even uses CD's anymore. At least most of the newest computers lost the CD-ROM drive years ago. I don't know if some of the newer cars still play CD's, but whoever that still buys CD's, like me, it's because we have old devices that play them. In my case, my computer is almost 10 years old, so it does the trick lol but I ignore how the new generations feel about the CD's when they've had digital music their entire lives.

I still buy CD’s. I prefer to own the music physically and then rip it digitally. It’s safer to own a physical backup with universal compatibility.

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