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Britney - The song that never was

Million Billion

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MIN 01:30

"It's not a song, it's like a riff " 


Guys, I'm in tears right now, that ballad is so heart breaking :tiffanycries:

OMG! my emotions, my mind and my entire existence are collapsing right now. Sorry guys, it's past midnight and I'm all alone in my bed. 

Why do Larry, Adam and Jive (when it existed) and RCA allow her to release crap music like the BJ album but they do not encourage her to release this amazing music???

This is so touching as Everytime and Someday. It's not even a song, it's not even a studio recording but this is even better than some of her actual tracks.  :jlostare:

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30 minutes ago, Million Billion said:


It sounds nothing like Someday imo. :umsaywhat:

Someday is way slower and has lower notes. This piece of nothing has higher notes perfect for falsettos, kind of like Everytime or Just Yesterday. 

Well yeah, but I think this evolved into Someday. 

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9 hours ago, TeenSuccubus said:

It's actually sad as **** that she's 36 and is still treated like a baby. It's weird to me. It's clear with her shelved album concepts, tour ideas and unreleased that she IS an artist and either her team or label wants her to be a pristine blond pop star instead of an experimental artist. 

THIS. Larry was the one that pushed her into making pop music and had her voice retrained to fit that genre. I feel like she purposely tries to sabotage herself so she can wipe the slate clean and be able to make music the way she wants. 

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9 hours ago, puppylo16 said:

THIS. Larry was the one that pushed her into making pop music and had her voice retrained to fit that genre. I feel like she purposely tries to sabotage herself so she can wipe the slate clean and be able to make music the way she wants. 

How would she be able to make the stuff she wants if she sabotages herself? Didn't she fire her team during Blackout...and that's her magnum opus?

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