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if glory would have been a visual album/ game


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try to create a concept video for each song


invitation - rainy vibe. britney under the ocean... a storm above, she is a bubble singing... at the end, the sun comes and she is in a beach half naked. 

make me... original scrapped video :anxiety:

private show... commercial video :anxiety:

man on the moon, britney writing a letter, looking the sky from her window. then she goes for a walk into  a beautiful garden, she is looking  for someone, lights everywhere, at the end she find an unknown object in her window

just luv me... the idea of she in her vegas suite, i like it

glumsy, very chesesy vibe ala do something with her vegas iconic female dancers :anxiety: maybe horrible make me video could have worked here

do you wanna come over, a neon club vibe ****, a lot of dance, not concept needed 

slumber party. I love the video, maybe no tinashe and the ghost house could have been a good idea :giggleney:

just like me, she driving her car, stopping different places looking for herself, she is a thief and the police is looking for her.... idk :zoomzoom:

lot me down, jungle theme idk why :kyliecry: slave vma 2001 in a video

hard to forget chu. ... no idea...

what you need... old Hollywood style diva ... obviously 

better... beach theme 


if im dancing... a simple  hard dance routine in the dance studio (black and white) the video is not edited she just dancing and dancing

coupure ... no idea

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Invitation - frat I’d make it an intro, not a whole song. Heaven, hand shadow thing she did at VMAs

Make Me- original video 

Man on the Moon- Oops and Lucky meet Alien. Part animated, Britney from looks for her austronaut. Have really cool special effects makeup to make her an alien in some shots

Just Luv Me - documentary montage. Behind the scenes/paparazzi/ home videos/Instagram videos playing as she sings in front of it in a gown

SP- same

Private Show- commercial, Her austonaut lover out in the audience that she leaves with. Mix with old school showgirl/burlesque

Do You Wanna - pop star Britney with her girls going through Vegas. PH/Grindr/Tinder sponsor, shy britney and bunch other people in hotel invited to this huge party at POM. Neon and goes into Clumsy interlude 

just Luv Me - Britney goes back to hotel room to see new girl in her room. Other shots show a look alike trying on different iconic outfits but its just not the same causshes a phony

Liar - angry britney with her girls destroying his stuff. Crossroads / Thelma and Louise road trip

Love Me Down - stop at the beach and joins a party. Hot and sweaty, Island /latin Party 

CYM - Britney sees a guy who’s being shy and having broken up w austronaut doesn’t give a ****. Sponsored by tequila company, salsa dancing 

Better - waking up on beach sorrounded by good friends. Show all races, gay straight, this one is the cheesy empowerment video

What you need - like the Pepsi commercial. Time travelney- in a 50s girl group, Motown disconey , with a church choir

If I’m dancing - memes and fans dancing to it

mood ring - simple, nude britney changing colors things projected on her like a mood ring

Coupoure - like invitation but dark. Like going into hell, sweet dreams interlude style



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I'll post examples of videos :sneer:


1. Invitation

2. Make Me… ft. G-Eazy

3. Private Show

4. Man On The Moon

5. Just Luv Me

6. Clumsy

7. Do You Wanna Come Over?

8. Slumber Party

9. Just Like Me

10. Love Me Down

11. Hard To Forget Ya


12. What You Need

13. Better

14. Change Your Mind (No Seas Cortes)

15. Liar

16. If I’m Dancing

17. Coupure Électrique

18. Mood Ring


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11 hours ago, JP9101 said:

try to create a concept video for each song


invitation - rainy vibe. britney under the ocean... a storm above, she is a bubble singing... at the end, the sun comes and she is in a beach half naked. 

make me... original scrapped video :anxiety:

private show... commercial video :anxiety:

man on the moon, britney writing a letter, looking the sky from her window. then she goes for a walk into  a beautiful garden, she is looking  for someone, lights everywhere, at the end she find an unknown object in her window

just luv me... the idea of she in her vegas suite, i like it

glumsy, very chesesy vibe ala do something with her vegas iconic female dancers :anxiety: maybe horrible make me video could have worked here

do you wanna come over, a neon club vibe ****, a lot of dance, not concept needed 

slumber party. I love the video, maybe no tinashe and the ghost house could have been a good idea :giggleney:

just like me, she driving her car, stopping different places looking for herself, she is a thief and the police is looking for her.... idk :zoomzoom:

lot me down, jungle theme idk why :kyliecry: slave vma 2001 in a video

hard to forget chu. ... no idea...

what you need... old Hollywood style diva ... obviously 

better... beach theme 


if im dancing... a simple  hard dance routine in the dance studio (black and white) the video is not edited she just dancing and dancing

coupure ... no idea

Did you deliberately skip CYM ? :girlwhat:

I agree except for:

DYWCO it should be like that animated fan made video but obviously with the real britney in an appartment texting. That was a very good concept.

Clumsy should be the one in a club with a neon vibe and dance.

WYN should be a very over the top Vegas themed performance video

HTFY should be like a cabaret theme/jazzclub thing.

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