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Slayney @ her last Vegas show

Guest Diamond Horse

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Guest Diamond Horse


She is having fun and her energy is contagious.

If you want to blame Britney for being lackluster, please don't use this clip as an example.

This moment didn't take anything away from POM

Now of course her poor flow does take away from POM. Extremely certainly it could be better. But that would need rehearsals and she is probably not rehearsing, so why couldn't she at least let her personality shine, why can't we enjoy this? Can't we all see the cuteness in this instead of criticizing even the moments when she is more open to be playful? Do we have to bash everything to the ground?

Besides, on this moment there wasn't much choreography going on anyway, she added effort to it.

I am not excusing her laziness, but still I don't see why we have to bring our negativity to personalney while she is at it. Are some people "too grown up" to see the flawlessness in this?

Of course, you can be a negative nancy who criticizes everything because of her laziness which is inexcusable. But why can't we see anything positive despite that negative that we can't change?

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